Computer Question

Re: Mac/PC Harddrive Zeroing

I agree with E. Also go to the site of the manufacturer of the drive, they usually have one there as well. Of go to google and type in zero hard drive free software . That should get you some answers.. Unless the new versions have changed, you will need to get a dos boot disk as well. On my pc without that, the thing is a huge paperweight.
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Check your cpu fan and do it a favor and take it off the heatsync and get the dust bunnies off it. Heat causes all kinds of skew ups. If your system is slow defrag that hard drive. Check your startup group (start run msconfig...startup is top right tab) uncheck un-needed carp in there.
Swap out your keyboard if second mouse is doin the same junk could be a stuck key such as the ctrl or alt key.
Make sure your mouse control panel isn't set for a left handed user that's always a fun trick to do to someone.
If ya want a virus free puter run Linux problem is wine does not run all aps.