The mix screw is an air bleed, its not fussy, just find the point where the motor idles at the highest speed and leave it there.Thanks Nightcruiser!
I'm pretty good with the speed screw.
It's the mix screw that makes me a touch nervous. So it kinda works like the needle in the main jet. The more I back out the screw, the richer the mix. or is it an air bleed...
Am I correct in assuming that more fuel in the bowl makes the mixture richer across the board? Does it have other effects? Does it compensate for a slightly tilted carb?
sorry for all the questions. Thank you for all the answers.
More fuel in the bowl does richen things up... A float adjustment can compensate for an angled carb (within reason) and at least keep the carb from overflowing. The effect of the float setting and a tilted carb can be more pronounced when going up/down hills, I tend to judge my float setting by how she performs riding hills. If she does good going up and down then it's probably set pretty close to right.