clutch cable bolt


New Member
I'm looking for a complete hollow adjustment bolt(both sides and nut) from a clutch cable. Anyone know where to buy them?
Are you talking about the handlebar lever end? The split bolt that allows removal of the cable? Check your local bike shop. They should be able to help you. The clutch lever on our bikes, except for the locking feature is the same as a brake lever. A good shop with parts should have them. Take your old one to get the right bolt/thread size.
I'm looking for the lower one near the motor.I have a custom throttle with a cns carb and need some adjustment on my throttle cable.
Are you talking about this adjuster?


If so I'm pretty sure its the same as a brake adjuster nut off either a cantilever or side pull brake. Any bike shop should have them and maybe even longer ones so you can get more adjustment.
Its a particular small size and its not a standard bicycle size(or I would have it) I had to braze one on with silver. There is a video that I saw here about a year ago that showed me how to shorten the throttle cable so it would not have so much "flop". I don't know were it is but I think its still around someware.

Look at the clutch cable on the other side of your cylinder.I need that one to fine tune my throttle cable because the cns carb has no adjuster.
ok, do you mean the little gold cable stop that goes on the end of the cable?

most motorcycle shops should have one, a good bike shop should have them too. they're used in the lever instead of the solid grey barrel on the ends of cables for custom lengths.
I think he's talking about the cable adjuster that screws into the standoff that threads into the engine case under the carburetor. Some newer engines do not have that but all older ones did.
The adjuster is nothing more than an Allen head screw drilled to fit the cable end. It is a 6mm X 1 X16mm. If you're good with a drill or have access to a drill press you can easily make one for yourself. Buy a softer bolt than the black grade 8.8 and it won't be that hard to drill. Just keep it centered. Sorry for the blurry photo. I held it too close to the camera.


  • Clutch Adjuster, 1.JPG
    Clutch Adjuster, 1.JPG
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  • Clutch Adjuster, 2.JPG
    Clutch Adjuster, 2.JPG
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revolution-recycle used to have them...bought one from him...cable and all...since he used to work for spooky tooth, might want to check with them...Dennis
what the heck is that? what kinda goofball kit did you buy?

just kidding. i've seen those before, but never on any kits i have.

sorry. i have no idea where to get one of those.