Children are a danger to US

Yeah, like I said, they won't hear the truth from the kid.

"We was just walkin' here mindin' our own bizness when this crazy guy onna bike ran down Timmy"

Yup, the truth is not in them.
The sad part is that We Or the city of Houston will wind up paying all the bills for his treatment. No police report, they treat it as an incident. His foolish behavior will cost thousands. Without that kind man that chose to stick around, I could be charged with injury to a child, and several other things, I'm sure. Be careful when you ride. Someones stupid move, could cost more than we can pay. For the first time I am worryed about riding. Can't wait till little Elroy is back in school, at least I know where he is. (c)
Kids do really stupid stuff.

I finally learned my lesson once when I was 14 (18 now), when I carved my name in a tree at a state park with my cousins, and a park ranger walked up and eventually, we had to go to court! Dumbest thing ever, but I at least think about what I'm doing before I do stuff.

I would be pissed, and I would charge him as much as I could, but he probably has learned his lesson as everyone said.

Good thing you had witnesses behind you to see.
I can only be thankful I wasn't raised that way. I just turned 16 and I would never think of doing stupid acts like that. I'm with you guys, I'm usually on the other end of the acts, but usually people don't mess with me, 6 foot, 250 lbs. they stay back, but I'm really annoyed by the kids today doing dumb things and harming people. It's kinda sad. I would definitely get legal, they won't learn their lesson.