
Yeah. I doubt if it will ever actually put out that much voltage.

I did a little experiment tonight.

I bought a tiny neodymium magnet (it conveniently fits in between the housing and pull start bell). I took off the coil I made and used it as a testing platform. I wanted to see how well this micro rare earth magnet stacked up against the magneto magnet. I placed a thin piece of smooth plastic between the coil and magnet, so I could simulate the same constant air gap. I rubbed the neodymium magnet first, as fast as I could. I went until I was pooped! I got (drum rolllllll) 0.06VAC. Well, OK then. Maybe it's just that I can't move my hand that fast? So off comes the magneto magnet, and on to the test platform. I was wondering if since my arm was tied that maybe I couldn't scrub fast enough this go around, and that this one would show less. Nope. I got 0.6VAC. That's 10X the voltage of the neodymium magnet (with supposedly a higher flux density and range!

So... I am back at the drawing board again. I still want to try and make something work, but I need some super magnets that are about 1/4" diameter. Ones that can fling their flux all over the place.
Interesting results for sure. Ill keep the pop corn popping till the next mad tesla experiment results come in. Interesting stuff for sure.

Do we know what is the exact type of Magnet is in the HT engine? High quality neodymium? I searched and found no specific info.

I wonder what wind count on the shellacked wire That is on the smaller 12v magneto coil currently avail. Thousands? Hundreds? I guess from reading there is 3000 plus winds on the Magneto

Sorry for the questions!

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Im sure i could do the math and get a rough estimate. There are equations for calculating number of turns on coils, but there are variables I don't know. Like what kind of material the core is made from, the dimensions of the core, and the wire gauge on the coils. Probably stuff that could be easily figured out, but I wouldn't want to cut mine up to find out!
The magneto magnet looks (and I emphasize LOOKS) like it's a laminated steel magnet.

My next idea, due to space constraints, is to remove the pull start and make a custom case for the generator. I can still pedal "bump start" the engine since the centrifugal clutch has a one way sprag bearing.

This may take some time and fabrication.