Chainsaw Bike Project- How to Start engine.


New Member
Oct 25, 2008
Hello everyone!

Here's my story.
About 4 months ago, I was in to engines and mechanical things. We had a couple chainsaws in our garage, and when one wouldn't start, I asked my dad if I could keep it. I fixed it up and then decided to just take off all the chain saw parts just to have an engine to attatch to what i please.
So then I got the idea of attaching somehow the engine to an old mountain bike of my brother's. And then I stumbled upon this site. I didn't realize other people had the crazy idea as me!
But back then, I was just working in freeflow, not knowing to connnect or how everything would work together, now that i've read up on many ways people have gotten other bikes to work, I've gotten a better understanding.

I've got some pictures of the project from back then, here
My Chainsaw Bike project... (Henry's Site of Random Things!)
(just ignore the other stuff on my site... I'm only 15 afterall, what else do I put on a website?)

But anyway, in the pictures, you can see my setup as of today. now that i realize, I will focus on the placement of the engine first, the drive system later....

See, one of the main problems is that the only way I can start the engine is with the pull start, which is on the plastic cover to the fanned rotor thingy with magnets in it to signal the ignition. In my picutres the cover is off, but on that circle fan thing, the pull starter cranks that in a circle. But I want to mount the engine where the water bottle things would be and then run a chain from a welded on sprocket to the clutch to one of the rear sprockets.(the pedals and rear derailer and front derailer I took off, not thinking about the future, and they are unusable now)

The only way it would fit in the spot where the water bottle holder is is if It didn't have the red plastic cover. But I need there to be a way to start it.
Is there a way I can?
THat's basically the point of this long text.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!



minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I sure some of the guys who hang out here can help you. Sorry but I can't personally I have no experience with that kind of thing. Nice to have you with us though and good luck with your build.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
You are saying you need/want to put the sprocket on the pull start side? Then the free wheeling sprocket will not allow a bump start....I think that's what you are saying.

You may want to consider making the bike a friction drive and leaving the pull start on it.


New Member
Oct 25, 2008
Not exactly,
I am going to have the sprocket on the engine shaft side,
but I just need a way to start the engine without the pull starter.(which is attached to the red plastic case)

now that I'm thinking it, your'e right, maybe friction drive would be a lot easier.....


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I can assure you that it is easier to build and operate. It is also quieter and more dependable than a one of a kind chain drive. You won't have to worry much about getting the drive components lined up. Your drive wheel is part of the engine and anywhere it sits on the tire is just fine. Even if it isn's straight, plumb, or level, it will work just fine.

There are ample examples of friction drive mounts around this section of the forum so there is probably more information here than in any other one place on the web.


New Member
Jul 22, 2008
Beverly, MA USA
I agree with D. I looked all over the web and landed here finding all the info one could want on friction drives. Read a thread or two by Deacon and you will have found the grail of friction drives. Lots of info in this DIY forum.


New Member
Oct 25, 2008
That sounds like a good Idea.
That way I can basically keep the engine the way it is, but just find a way to mount it differently...

Thanks for the replies!