chain too long or too short?


New Member
hello, im building my first bike and i have a question or two about my chains...

the chain that my engine kit came with would fit my bike if only i could move the back tire back an inch but have a slight slack to it. which i could do but the other regular bike chain is too short for that. it would also then be as far back as the tire could reach. at this point which would be better? cutting the bigger/thicker chain or getting a new longer bicycle chain? also just how much slack should the chain running to the engine have? even with the idler pulley its still way too loose.

heck while im at it...

just out of curiosity and for the sake of knowing, at what point do you know when you should open the clutch casing and adjust it in there?

hello, im building my first bike and i have a question or two about my chains...

the chain that my engine kit came with would fit my bike if only i could move the back tire back an inch but have a slight slack to it. which i could do but the other regular bike chain is too short for that. it would also then be as far back as the tire could reach. at this point which would be better? cutting the bigger/thicker chain or getting a new longer bicycle chain? also just how much slack should the chain running to the engine have? even with the idler pulley its still way too loose.

heck while im at it...

just out of curiosity and for the sake of knowing, at what point do you know when you should open the clutch casing and adjust it in there?


First welcome! Secondly, you shouldn't have to adjust anything on the clutch for awhile....a long while.

Now, you should run at least 1/2" of free play measure in the middle of the top run. 3/4" is better, somewhere in between is perfect.

If you slide the tensioner back a little closer to the rear wheel, you should be able to get the chain right.
well, i hav the tensioner back close to the back wheel but there is still a ton of slack. ill go play with it some more though.
the original chain is junk. the most used replacement is #41. this will solve many problems. it about $10 for 10ft.
well, i hav the tensioner back close to the back wheel but there is still a ton of slack. ill go play with it some more though.

Here's what you do....take the chain off and remove just one link with a grinder, file, dremel, or if you have one, a good, big, chain breaker.

Move the tensioner up toward the front and adjust the roller so the chain is around 3/4" freeplay.

I thought the chains were junk too, and recommended replacement in the past, but they last at least a thousand miles that I am sure of, plus at that point (sold) it wasn't even needing adjustment.

Keep the chain clean, oiled with motor oil or chain lube, and don't overtighten it!
thanks you guys for the replies. i did just what bikeguy joe suggested and found out the hard way that the actually wheel is also bent just enough to fight the chain so i bought a new coaster wheel. try try again! one day ill get it up and running.