Carburator Sticks


New Member
The sliding tube inside my carburator got stuck at highest position. I managed to tap it back down and put the cap back on. When I would give throttle the slide would rotate so that the groove for idle screw would rotate out of alignment and the slide would rest on top of idle screw leaving throttle at full setting.

I thought I solved the problem by spraying WD-40 into cap/spring assembly, but then I took a long ride and my idle screw fell out so I replaced it with a regular 4mm bolt and spring.

Now everytime I give full throttle it sticks and I have to flip the throttle on/off until engine rpm comes down.

My question is what prevents this carb slide from rotating once it is above the idle screw? I think something is missing or broken on mine because nothing prevents this slide from rotating.
There is a long slot up the side of the slider... there is supossed to be a tiny dowel pin inside the carb that fits in the slot to keep the slider straight.