CA Police say my motor bike cannot be made legal.

I'm guessing (as well) he ment 149cc because anything below that is completely exempt according to the motorcycle handbook.

Are exempt from the motor
vehicle financial responsibility,
driver license, and moped plate
He quoted that a "motor driven cycle " is one with 149ccs or less.
It has nothing to do with MBs... He quoted it from the CA motorcycle handbook.

Check out the PDF he posted to see all the classifications...
the california dmv web site and the 2008 motorcycle handbook call a motor assisted bike a VC 406a not VC 406b.

406b is for electric bikes only and is exempt from registration and license issues.

it appears that you do need to register your bike since it falls in the 406a catagory and have at least an m2 license. and you might as well throw a bigger motor on while your at it since it can go up to 150cc's.

i called the local san francisco police station and he was cool with my bike w/out license as long as I followed traffic laws :). in the federal park presidio where i live (2 blocks away) they told me i would get a ticket for sure and that my bike was in the same class as a pocket bike or motorcycle ugh!

what i have failed to find is any reference in to the requirements of a motor assisted bicycle? does it need lights, turn signals or anything? do we need insurance?

i also find this web link interesting Motorcycles, Mopeds, Scooters defined
it is a classification of motorcycles, scooters etc. there is nothing that even looks close to a motorized bicycle. clear as mud right? i don't think the dmv knows what is going on.

so i thought i was being really smart and finding a super low cost and fun way to get around while my license is suspended from a really unfortunate dui. i was really mistaken and very dissapointed that i can't ride my very cool looking and fun bike.

and to you environmentalists who oppose motorized bikes, f' yourself, these bikes use less gas, use less space, need smaller roads and are affordable to the lower income people! cars as much as i hate them only contribute 25% of all air pollution. if you want to make a difference go after the big polluters.

if we unite i think this can be changed to a more positive motorized bike state through the state legislature. anyone got connections???
As a member who lived in SF for years (just moved to the E Bay)
they cannot ticket you on the MB with a plate in the Presidio on the paved streets
if you're following the traffic laws.
For the sake of the law, Gas MBs and mopeds are equal.
It is the same classification as a moped, the police were wrong.
There are no laws pertaining to mopeds not being allowed on the Presidio streets.

I've ridden my MB throughout the Presidio and GG park with no problems ever, but I've always had a plate.
Just get a plate, it only costs $18
I also have an M2 ($28) and a tail light/turnlight assembly, but the whole shebang cost only $15

Insurance is supposedly required, but I haven't found a single insurance company that would
insure my MB.
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I have spoken with 2 SFPD sergents and both of them said they consider our MB's more of a bicycle than a moped and no license or registration needed. but this is a risk because i agree with you, the wording of the cali vehicle code seems to me to classify our MB's as a 406(a).

cbr did you put the turn signals on voluntarily or did you find a code calling for such things? and are these signals battery or can you run them off the white wire?
I have spoken with 2 SFPD sergents and both of them said they consider our MB's more of a bicycle than a moped and no license or registration needed. but this is a risk because i agree with you, the wording of the cali vehicle code seems to me to classify our MB's as a 406(a).

cbr did you put the turn signals on voluntarily or did you find a code calling for such things? and are these signals battery or can you run them off the white wire?

It is battery powered.
Officially on the code, you are supposed to have a headlight and a tail light and a horn.
Turn signals are a gray area, but since it came with the brake light, I just got it.
I got the assembly on Ebay.
I mostly got it to keep any fuzz off my back here in the East Bay. I don't want to give any officer a reason to pull me over as it just ruins my day. I don't do well with authority.
Like I said, there is NO distinction between a gas motorized bicycle and a moped in the code
So you are "officially" required to have everything a Moped has unless you are powered by electricity. If you're electric, you can do almost anything with no restrictions like Class M
or plates or anything.

The SFPD can ignore some state laws as they wish, but that's not the law.
If you ride politely, you won't get hassled.
SF cops have much more pressing issues then to harass a MB'r.
I never got pulled over the 2 years I was riding a motorized bicycle with a plate in SF.
You also need to wear a helmet, that will get you pulled over quick.

My advice- Just get a plate, wear your helmet, drive politely, watch for idiot drivers (I got hit by a car)
and get out and ride.
Note to self--stay out of Costa Mesa.

I've had a few cops drive by me..even a motor cop drove by and didn't even look twice at me. I have a helmet, a headlight and a blinking tailight, that's it. My rides are limited to riding from Laguna Hills to the Lake Forest/Irvine border.

I even used to have a 50cc Geely scooter (chinese Honda Elite knockoff). I never had plates for it, it topped out at a mind-blowing 35 mph, and I only got stopped once. That was by some Irvine cop that was, and I quote, "Pissed that he lost someone he was going to pull over, so he decided to stop me." I showed him a printout that I kept with me at all times, of the vehicle code that was related to my bike. He said that the code I showed him wasn't applicable to my scooter, so I just played stupid, asked him a bunch of questions about what I "should" have for my scooter, and he let me go. He didn't even run my license...good thing 'cause it was suspended and expired. :D

Basically, I think that if you're generally obeying the laws regarding motorized bicycles, and not doing anything blatently illegal, the cops won't even bug you, unless they've got a hair up their.....I'd still stay out of Irvine for sure, as they really have nothing better to do than to harass a MB'er.
hi; i watched the news in seattle today and after a 3min bit on all the people riding bikes now. i called ch.5,talked to a reporter about our stuff. he said he would look into it. tomorrow the rest. try it in your town. explain mpg .

the road to **** is paved with REPUBLICRATS.duh.
I live in Tustin and the cops dont give me a second look. Even my friends have ridden my bike (Schwinn Del Mar/Grubee 48cc 2 stroke) and had the same experience. I have a Poo Poo pipe due to frame clearance issues and is still rather quiet. I do wear a helmet, which is common sense. I believe that if your ride doesnt look offensive (ape hangers, lowrider, big engine, go-fast/make noise kiddie add ons) and also if it doesnt smoke too much helps alot. Mine kinda blends in and doesnt stick out.

My 2 cents,
Got pulled over today by dodger stadium, the cop asked me if i had my M2 and i said yes, he never asked me to show it to him and i was on my way. pretty funny he just ok and didnt ask to see it.

but the fact is you do need an M2 in Cali, the plate thing is a joke but just for backup i sent in the 19 bucks (form 230) and am waiting for my plate.

Dont let anyone fool you saying you must be sixteen, no licsense, thats a bunch of crap

just go to california DMV take the written test 28 bucks and roll with a permit. you just cant ride a night with the permit.
to all in california, 406b tells you everything you need to know it is in the handbook at the dmv. you do need a headlight and taillite and a horn you don"t need turnsignals all you need is tobe 16 years old with with a helmet! you are exmept from reg. and insurance!
be careful giving false info, here's the real deal


California issues the following license classes for two-wheel vehicle operation:

• Class M1—You may operate any two-wheel motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized scooter and all vehicles listed under Class M2.
NOTE:The permit and license requirements in this handbook pertain to two-wheel vehicles and are referenced in Section 12804.9 of the Vehicle Code.

• Class M2—You may operate any motorized bicycle, any bicycle with an attached motor, or a motorized scooter.

You may obtain a Class M1 or M2 license at any DMV office which provides driver license services. Motorcycle law tests and skill tests are required.
NOTE: Class C licensees may operate a motorcycle with a side car attached or a three-wheel motorcycle.

this is right out of the dmv handbook

Be careful with false info the above tells it all, you do need an M2 endorsement.
now I have called to West Covina Police Station and to Baldwin Park Police Station and I have called the CHP office and they told me the samething, any motor under50cc or electric that you must be 16 years old, have a proper fitted helmet, with a horn, front and back lights that is it. I guess the bottom line is if you are doing something wrong, you will get cought!! like having apehanger past your shoulders, or a loud exhaust. Not obeying the laws etc.
now I have called to West Covina Police Station and to Baldwin Park Police Station and I have called the CHP office and they told me the samething, any motor under50cc or electric that you must be 16 years old, have a proper fitted helmet, with a horn, front and back lights that is it. I guess the bottom line is if you are doing something wrong, you will get cought!! like having apehanger past your shoulders, or a loud exhaust. Not obeying the laws etc.

phone # 626-9398585wcp, 626-960-19550bpp
people need to stop calling DMV and Police about this. Its cool that we all want to stay within the law, But Dmv cops and cities want your money and repeated attemps and questions will make them realize these guys have been getting away with this long enough.

As to the last post, 95% of cops and dmv dont even know the law on these. but i have been stopped twice now and asked for M2.

the only problem i have with people trying to get more involved with this is: making the Dmv cops and everyone else notice us is gonna lead to safety inspections, then we are all done.
Wake up the Monster. Ride safe, and no cop will bother you! A push and you will get every vote hungry moron involved. Build your bike, ride it safe, and pee in someone elses pool. Leave it alone. :)
This is OUR country, just because big oil companies don't want to give the little man a chance to crawl out of his hole doesn't mean we can't ride our bikes. I have done everything to make my bike legal, and I'm sure I'll be razzed about it because it's an OCC chopper. The government is going to S*** and they are not what I consider my leaders. This is not only my right as an american citizen, it is my duty to stand against those in the pockets of big oil.
This is OUR country, just because big oil companies don't want to give the little man a chance to crawl out of his hole doesn't mean we can't ride our bikes. I have done everything to make my bike legal, and I'm sure I'll be razzed about it because it's an OCC chopper. The government is going to S*** and they are not what I consider my leaders. This is not only my right as an American citizen, it is my duty to stand against those in the pockets of big oil.

Amen...I am a patriot and have fought for these very same rights, It is our constitution to fight for what is right.
Amen...I am a patriot and have fought for these very same rights, It is our constitution to fight for what is right.

There is a point where we have to not care, they can't push us around for much longer. It is all because of the fact that the state isn't going to get any money out of you for it that they make it such a pain in the A** . I PAY TAXES!! Leave me alone, I have enough money taken out of my check to cover my end of that crap. The best way to make the Gov't understand is simply not to abide by their rules. If Americans would grow a pair and realize they don't just have to deal with the Gov't pushing us around. THIS IS OUR COUNTRY WE MAKE THE RULES!
I am in no way suggesting to go out and be assholes, and speed through neighborhoods at all hours of the night, or to not abide by the rules. Be a courteous MB'r and fight for your rights to be able to ride that puppy. The days of convenient cheap travel are back thanks to the MB!! Plus all of us tinkerers are the backbone of america, us creative like minded individuals are AMERICA!! leave us alone Po-Po.