Brand new to motorized bicycles and need some info..


New Member
Hey guys, I pretty much just started looking into these motorized bicycles about 2 hours ago and they have definitely peaked my curiosity...but here's the thing, it seems like the only way I'm really able to beat the price curve is by getting one of these extremely cheap kits because otherwise I'm paying nearly as much as I would on a decent used moped.

What do you guys think? Are these cheapo kits any good? I really haven't done a ton of research yet so maybe I'm way off..also, MB's do seem to have the advantage of higher fuel efficiency, customization/parts availability and of guys (^)

What kits do you guys recommend?

Anyway, hope I posted this in the right spot, and thanks a ton for any help!
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Re: Brand new to MB's and need some info..

dont get me wrong i love my cheap-o china engine but some the the parts it comes with are "cheap-o" and also you have to consider that , like mine , it will run fine for hundres of miles no problems then some weeks you want to beat it like the red headded step child you never had. all in all i love it to death and the hundreds its saved me at the pump. and there are a lot of top notch guys here that are always willing to help. hope this prepares you for which ever engine you decide on
Re: Brand new to MB's and need some info..

Hey, thanks for the quick reply! Yeah, that does help me..I think I should add two more questions to my inquiry:

How many miles can someone expect out of the cheap-o china engines?

and (the big question I forgot to put in the original post)

What engines/kits do you guys recommend?

Thanks again for any help, it's truly appreciated!
Re: Brand new to MB's and need some info..

I have a china engine kit and some parts are definitely cheap junk for example the chain tensioner. That tensioner was the first thing to go. Now i have an idler sprocket as a tensioner. The cables included must be lubricated otherwise you will break that clutch lever in no time. My kit has over 800 miles on it now since August. If you do buy a kit dont by the roller bearing china engines since many have had issues with the bearings being destroyed. Good luck on whatever you decide.
Re: Brand new to MB's and need some info..

pretty much all the engines are the same in quality . so cheaper the better so you can upgrade the parts that need it ,like the drive chain that comes with it,

and ive seen members post that have got over 2000 miles im sure as long as you dont abuse it you can get more
Re: Brand new to MB's and need some info..

i read somewere that an older guy got 12,000 mile out of his ht. i have a roller bearing engine and it runs fine(with some mods) and a bushing engine that also runs fine.
Re: Brand new to MB's and need some info..

I have a cheap china kit and it runs fine. I don't ride it much since i started to build alternate engine bikes. I have one 31cc ryobi bike that would cost a little over fifty bucks to build. A 33cc chainsaw bike that cost about 75 to build total. a 42cc chainsaw bike that cost about 75 to build.

I ride those mostly because they are more fun. Nonetheless for a first bike you can't beat the china bike. You will learn a heck of a lot bout motors lol.
Re: Brand new to MB's and need some info..

Thanks a ton for the replies everybody! (^) But I have just a couple of questions...

I have a china engine kit and some parts are definitely cheap junk for example the chain tensioner. That tensioner was the first thing to go. Now i have an idler sprocket as a tensioner. The cables included must be lubricated otherwise you will break that clutch lever in no time. My kit has over 800 miles on it now since August. If you do buy a kit dont by the roller bearing china engines since many have had issues with the bearings being destroyed. Good luck on whatever you decide.

So if I do go with a china engine I should get an after market idler sprocket as a tensioner. Where did you buy your kit and this tensioner from...a link would be awesome! Plus, How do I know if it is a roller bearing engine? What are the different types?

pretty much all the engines are the same in quality . so cheaper the better so you can upgrade the parts that need it ,like the drive chain that comes with it,

and ive seen members post that have got over 2000 miles im sure as long as you dont abuse it you can get more

europorsche seems to think that the roller bearing china engines are low quality, do you disagree with this?

i read somewere that an older guy got 12,000 mile out of his ht. i have a roller bearing engine and it runs fine(with some mods) and a bushing engine that also runs fine.

Sorry, but being a newbie I don't really know what "ht" stands for..could you clarify?

Thanks again for all of your help! :D
Re: Brand new to MB's and need some info..

I have a cheap china kit and it runs fine. I don't ride it much since i started to build alternate engine bikes. I have one 31cc ryobi bike that would cost a little over fifty bucks to build. A 33cc chainsaw bike that cost about 75 to build total. a 42cc chainsaw bike that cost about 75 to build.

I ride those mostly because they are more fun. Nonetheless for a first bike you can't beat the china bike. You will learn a heck of a lot bout motors lol.

Wow!:eek: Those are incredibly cheap! I would totally be willing to get into the 42cc class for less than $100 bucks! Is there a good starting point for learning how to build one? How fast is that 42cc engine capable of propelling a person. Are these used engine that you find on ebay or something and what brand are they?

Sorry for all the questions but that just sounds awesome!
Re: Brand new to MB's and need some info..

Hello and welcome to the forum.

You mentioned in your first post that you have only been looking at this for about 2 hours. May I make a recommendation that you spend some days reading this forum and using the search function to look for answers to your questions? The people here are friendly and helpful but you will get the most out of their expertise if you ask questions from a more knowledgeable perspective. Everything you have asked has been covered here before many times. If you are interested in inexpensive then check out the DIY section. Deacon has written some excellent posts on how to build your own bike from scratch.

Re: Brand new to MB's and need some info..

i have heard that the bushing engines are able to rev higher longer but i dont know from personal experience . and as far as the tensioner i welded it to my frame but dont use the roller i use the tight chain method and it seems to work fine for me .
Re: Brand new to MB's and need some info..

the 42cc runs faster than this old man feels safe with. Frankly I have never had it wide open except going up hill. But then my china kit is the same I don't open it up except going uphill. I don't have a speedometer on it.

My builds are friction drive so they have a little less power than the kit engines. Mostly shows up going up the hills. Some it sails up some it struggles but that is true with the china bike as well.

I would guess the 42cc friction drive is about 80% of the china kit. That is just a guess.

Take a look on ebay at chainsaws. There are some brands that are okay some are over priced for a bike build. Mine is a 42cc craftsman and a 33cc poulan.

On the tensioner I have had three different ones and the only way they ever worked for me was to set the bike up for the motor chain then use the tensioner on the bicycle chain since the pedaling is easier on it than the motor it works fine.