brain dead


New Member
frustration with a vender kinda wondering if anybody else has had issues with them ? Not going out and bashing them by name here's some issues
1 - placed an order priority mail 10 days later arrives missing parts
2- said missing parts "being set out asap" well That was 7 days ago NO PARTS
3- I know this sounds crazy placed another order with them and there "same day shipping policy"order by 5 out same day BULL**** been waiting 5 days for that to ship ! o wait had to call and got the " O yea we were waiting on an in stock item to come in we are out of stock you should be getting an E-mail about that would you like us to send what we have or hold your order till the item comes in ? should be in stock 3 WEEKS from now
4 - never mind more of the same BS

W T F people take some pride in what you do at least know where the ball is
ok if anybody has finished my rant Thanks for your interest and if you were wondering top left side vendor

Thanks for your support !
don't be afraid to post the name, i know when i am about to buy stuff online i search the forums for the retailer and ask people what they think about them...if you had a bad experience with bikeberry, say so!
Just for information only, the ads on the forum revolve. So at a given time, they will be in another order. I say this only for informational purposes so that one vendor does not get thought of as having done some thing when another's actions are what is in question.
Points taken Thank you very much ! Deskman I do the same thing believed the hype on there site Why Shop Click Here ? Dan did not think of that at the time of the rant thanks for the FYI was hoping third time was the charm thought they could deliver . LESSON LEARNED life goes on and YES I WILL KEEP BUILDING
i remember the days before everything was at your fingertips and available online, i had to order catalogs, find stuff i needed, make phone calls from my house and hope someone was awake in another time zone to answer, then send a check or money order, wait for that to clear, then wait another few weeks for my stuff to arrive.

then find out it was missing bolts, make another bunch of phone calls, try to keep my cool, wait another few weeks to get those stupid bolts, and finally get to work on something a month or so after ordering the initial parts.

the only thing that's changed with mail order businesses is now it only takes you 2-3 days before you get pissed off.
True true I remember those day myself modern tech has its ups and downs I will admit ! But back in those days companies live or died on there performance now days they tell you one thing "order by 5 ships same day " and do what they want they got your money so .... I will only speak on my case ordered a part on 8/27/12 paid for priority shipping and yet I still wait for the parts and little to NO help with the issue! frustrated is all wondering if anybody eles had these issues or were the bike Gods pissed at me
i thought you meant gasbike they did that same thing to me and so i switched to bikeberry and i call to order everything and take names while im at it so when things are done wrong i can get it fixed faster and if they tell you on the phone they have something they usually do
Good Idea I will keep that in mind if I order again looking on the bright side I FINALLY got the missing parts 18 day later to bad it was junk hope they start looking at there quality a little more very poor quality at best !
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