bottom of jug broken

hey everyone, you know the jug on the 2 stroke engine, how at the bottom it has two sleeves opposite to each other?, well on the them sleeves, a little bit of the end of it snapped off, does it matter? will i have to buy a new jug? will it leak anything into the crank case? thanks
hey everyone, you know the jug on the 2 stroke engine, how at the bottom it has two sleeves opposite to each other?, well on the them sleeves, a little bit of the end of it snapped off, does it matter? will i have to buy a new jug? will it leak anything into the crank case? thanks
Is this the one you hammered on? :)

If you could post a photo we'd be able to tell you more.

haha 2 door sadly yes :( , my friend didnt listen to me and hammered it on, also brokr my piston rings :(, all ready ordered new rings. ill make a video and show you.
mine had the corners broke on it to but it was cause I droped mine on the floor mine now has almost 200 miles on it and working really good.