Blown gaskets???


New Member
I havent done a lot of riding, but i just noticed that i have evidence of oil leaking from the seams between the head AND the seam between the top (main cyl?-the thing with the horizintal fins on it) and bottom end.
I dont see any gasket material hanging out-just oil oozing out of the seams.
its not REALLY bad, but i know its not supposed to be there
i cant really get a good picture of it but it is similar to thie 1st pics in this thread:
...just no gasket material
I have a pirate cycles high compression head
I already bottomed out the head studs and loctite'ed them
tightened the acorn nuts to 15ft/lbs...made sure the weren't bottomed out
the head still leaked oil and i just noticed the bottom.
because its such a close fit into the frame and theres not enough thread exposed to jamnut the studs to rmove them, ill have to pull the whole motor to get the head off. Needless to say, i only want to do this once.
Is the leak affecting the motor, or is it just messy?
Do i need to replace the gaskets?
If so, are there a reliable replacement gaskets?

maybe get some gasket sealer, and go around it just to be safe and to save some work..

or replace your gaskets. my motors where both painted after the jug was on i guess. because the bottom head gaskets are painted over and sealed. this will make it easy for me to notice a leak.:)

also. maybe the acorn nuts are causing the problem. your head studs could be to long to use them.. you could try getting open nuts and seeing if thats it. you could get them from SBP or a hardware stor for cheep. good luck
Thanks guys. Can I use that silicone/copper stuff from permatex? I was concerned that it would increase the height of the head a few .001's and affect the compression or squeeze into the combustion chamber when I tightened the thing down.
If I use it. Do you think I should remove the existing gaskets?
Thanks guys. Can I use that silicone/copper stuff from permatex? I was concerned that it would increase the height of the head a few .001's and affect the compression or squeeze into the combustion chamber when I tightened the thing down.
If I use it. Do you think I should remove the existing gaskets?

if you do replace your gasket, i couldent tell you what would work best. but yes you should remove the old one, if your putting a new gasket down..
Thanks. guys
replaced acorns with 8mm nuts from home depot.
lifted head and jug enough to paint gaskets and metal using a small brush with Permatex Copper Spray gasket
tightened nuts down to 14 ft/lbs ( i had already done it when i saw your post)
took it for a ride....performance is noticeably improved as is the compression (more effort to pedal start)
hmmmm... could this really have worked? :)
