blew my motor at the lights :O


New Member
this is my first time ever getting a skyhawk gt5 motor. broke it in with semi synthetic oil 4 tanks 20:1 drove over 300 KM went for a quick rid waiting at the lights reving her up a bit, then all i hear ting bing then piston stops firing. i tryed starting 5 or 6 times and ended up taking cylinder off and it looks like it caught a transfer port and scratch up the whole wall and cylinder/piston. i cant imagine this just happening for me reving it, and it was burning rich with it leaned out all the way. buying this motor has been hel!l and now its done! a huge waste of money my zoom motor still running strong after 600km and 2 years vs 300 tops and 5 months.
Thanks again to the very nice people at gasbike i ended up wasting well over 500 and not even getting the super rat which i paid for and NOT EVEN GETTING MY $30 BUCKS BACK cause i do know this gt5 is a bit more cheeper.
Bummer dude.

Why were you reving it? Doesn't it idle well?

Yeah, I don't even want to ride mine over 20 as the vibes get really bad. These are not high performance finely tuned and balanced engines ya know.
im very aware of what these can handle i NEVER over do it i was maybe hitting 5500 rpms, to be honest i was only reving her up because im addicted to the sound of the motor firing LOL. i guess the vibs would easily throw the piston off a tiny bit, oh well!

ON another note* i was wondering if its going to be hard to fix? do i need new pin bearings all the stuff? im somewhat mechanically inclined i should be able do this myself i was hoping? bottom end of motor seems awesome to no leaks in seals or gaskets

This is all so much! should almost consider just buying another zoom, strap her on this bike...
Nah man, spend the spendy money and get a puch kit from Treatland TV. Foureasy's bike runs a puch top end, and I'm considering modding my motor for a puch kit.

Can't beat a Real piston and iron liner...
ya that is alot of work and tinkering just to have a realible ride, i would love to have morni on my bike just how the heck you fab that up lol
A lot of work and tinkering. =P

Also, I just threw a Puch head on my bike tonight. Bolts right on, much nicer than the stock head, revs a little better. Still need to shave my cylinder to get the bonus from the squish band.
Same problem happened with my last build- upon closer inspection, the ring locater tabs in the piston grooves were just a tad shallow. The design is to stop the rings from rotating, and getting caught in the ports- just look closely at your replacement piston, and how the rings seat in the grooves, AND line up with the tabs.
Repairs cost me under $40 bills,and only shipping time to wait. Lots of great input on the forum, and talented people to help. Good building, and all the best!

Gotta agree, I also just have to Rev the mess outta my bike whenever she's sittin' still. Building and learning along the way is part of the trip. Yeah- down time can be a bummer, but you can't beat the fun and satisfaction of these low cost "early" style motor-cycles.

-Imagine the cost of replacing a piston and jug on a Harley?

ya matheneyr thats what happen to the piston rings hooked the wall, thanks so much for that, very true my parents have motorcycles i could only imagine a head just going not even a cylinder ohh geez!

i going to get the cylinder piston soon, and build a new bike, with this motor. i miss the cruiser style/ comfort .
thanks again!