Birth of Lil Loco


New Member
This whole project started about 2 years ago. I was at a customer's home when I saw this thing just collecting dust and asked her about. She stated that it belonged to an old roommate who never came back for it. She said if I wanted it take it which I did but wasn't sure if it ran. Got it home and within a few hours a was cruising down the road. It ran great but looked like crap so after about a month a tore it down and started the long overhaul. What started as a light overhaul has since turned into a very detailed build. Now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel I thought I would post some of the build. Shortly after starting the rebuild my father in law caught the bug and bought a Micargi and engine and dove right in with me. The first pic shows mine in the back and his fresh out the box. As you can see it was nothing special. The second pic shows my quick rendering. The rest of the pics chronicle the modifications to the frame and some mock up shots. In the engine picyou'll notice I filed down all the castings and massaged all the head fins to eliminate the inconsistencies in the shape. I also polished the cases. At this point the body work is done and I am about ready to lay down some paint and start the final assembly. I am still waiting for my new rims and a few other parts.
I also included some pics of my father in laws bike. The first is the finished stock product, the second shows the direction we went with it. It was a super fun bike but unfortunately I was ripping on it and I had a mechanical failure(coasterbrake arm folded up into the rim)and I went over the bars at bout 28 mph which destroyed the bike. We are now rebuilding it with new frame and same style but planning on a Morini motor and much better brakes.
This hobby was not intended but is now a part of our lifes. It has since been passed on to about five of our friends and our club is growing.
P.S., if anyone knows of the engine model and displacement of my engine I would love to know.


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My father in laws bike. I couldn't figure out how to upload the before pic of his bike for some reason.This pic shows the front triangle gusset and custom keg tank we built.I


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Let me be the first to welcome you to out forum. Always good to see more Colorado riders. Your work is beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. I see you're a detail freak. That's something I admire.

Keep us posted on the progress and you might want to check into the 'Event' section and keep up with the Denver Area Riders. D-A-R, for our monthly cruises.
The first one of the season is scheduled for this coming Saturday.

Have fun and ride safe.

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