Bill me later

I bought my house/boat/truck/motorcycle(s)/atv- all cash. I have started a business, with cash.

I passed a background check for my job, and I have insurance that is 250 dollars a year for liability on my truck.

I just don't NEED credit, or money loaned to me.
That is very commendable Joe I just have never been very disciplined saving money. I would however like to point out it is not wrong nor immoral to use credit responsibly. It is also not wrong to loan money at a reasonable rate. It's pretty much like anything else in moderation things are for the most part good or in most instances not harmful. There is no safe dosage of hard drugs. Amazingly enough even religion can go overboard...don't want to be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good.

Let's see I touched on money drugs religion.....oh yea and there is no safe number of politicians or lawyers LOL

(I am joking)
The latest scam is clicking on a coupon and wind up joining a club of some kind. This is from a reputable site not a spam site. They got me for a month's fee congress is investigating these crooks right now.


I got rooked by one of those too...maddening to say the least.

I ordered flowers for mothers day on the FTD site. At the end of the transaction I was offered a coupon for 15% off my next purchase. The following month I had an odd, $25.00, charge on my bank statement. The bank tracked it for me and said I had agreed to participate in a rewards program when I accepted the 15% coupon. The $25.00 "membership" charge would be auto debited from my account each month!!!

The bank took care of it for me and the charge was reversed.

I love the way these people call a scam a "rewards program".'ve not been duped by a've become a member in a rewards program. Talk about sugar coating horse dung.

I was very disappointed that FTD would let this sort of thing ride on thier coat-tails. They should be ashamed for any kick-backs they recieved.

That is very commendable Joe I just have never been very disciplined saving money. I would however like to point out it is not wrong nor immoral to use credit responsibly. It is also not wrong to loan money at a reasonable rate. It's pretty much like anything else in moderation things are for the most part good or in most instances not harmful. There is no safe dosage of hard drugs. Amazingly enough even religion can go overboard...don't want to be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good.

Let's see I touched on money drugs religion.....oh yea and there is no safe number of politicians or lawyers LOL

(I am joking)
