Bike for sale (Central TX)


New Member
I'm selling the bike that I used for my MB plus a scrap engine. Would like $100
5 speed bike with front suspension, heavy duty steel frame, 1.75" front tire, 3" rear tire, hubs rebuilt 850 miles ago and spinning beautifully. I still use it for commuting so it also has very good brakes and shifters, luggage rack with 3 compartment bag and cable bike lock. It also has a heavy duty rear wheel with a 36 tooth sprocket...and a scrap engine.

Note: I'm open to bartering but that rear wheel (minus the 36T sprocket) will be the first thing dropped from the sale for price reduction.

Here's a picture from when it ran.

I'm located in San Marcos.
It is totaled. Tried replacing drive sprocket and it bent the drive shaft and cracked the housing instead. I then turned it into a lamp. The cylinder and internals are still good if you feel like digging them out.

I could, but it would cost more to ship than it is worth. I'll probably just separate into aluminum and haul that off to scrap. I just figured someone might want it for the spare parts it still has.
Stumbled across a cool commuting bike so the remnants of the blue bike is $30. It is just like before except missing the gear shifter lever, handle bar and wheels. There might be some other really small stuff because I haven't been paying attention to what has gotten parasitized onto the new bike.

I've also got a specialized rockhopper frame for $30. It has everything but front shifter stuff, front brake stuff and some other little things. The back wheel still has the 44T sprocket bolted to it.

I wont be needing either bike frame. Feel free to make an offer, prices aren't final.

I'll also throw in a 36T sprocket if you take both.

Oh, here is what the rockhopper looked like...

That was a really fun setup.