best bicycle engine kits brand

Nick- No, they are not all from China. Some are from Japan, Italy, U.S. and other countries.

The kind you sell are from China, No? They are the same thing that 90% of us run here.

In my experience I have found that no matter who sells the Chinese bicycle engine kit, the real difference is in customer service.

There is an area here where members can leave reviews and it all comes out in the wash there.

There are a few pieces in the kits that can be better or worse, but the basic engine unit is the same- a crapsoot of quality control. Some of them are pretty good, others are horrible vibrating beasts and have the lifespan of a mucklehead.:crash:
Not all China made engines are created equal. We are a vendor here and have gone through a couple of different manufactures to get the best quality engines for our customers. We have found that the Raw motors are the best, the quality control put into the raw motors are by far much better then any others we have sold. With this quality we are able to provide a 6 month warranty where others give only a 30 day or no warranty at all.

I have heard that claim before, and in actuality, the engines do range in quality and minor differences, but generally they are all the same.
You are absolutely right, most of the kits that are made in china are the same in the sense that the parts are often times interchangeable. The differences you see are quality of the engines. Simply put, the quality and workmanship is what makes the Raw engines better. You often times hear this claim from other manufactures, but the Raw engines are the only ones that can back up this claim with a 6 month warranty.
The 50cc LOOKS exactly like my Grubee 48cc Starfire Roundhead. I have had 0 problems, in almost 1000 miles. Most of the 48cc/50cc I have seen for sale look like the 66cc/70cc/80cc engines with the square head. Will be interexting to see some reviews on the engine kits.
A mucklehead is a buzzy giant mosqiuto/fly/thing that is up by the lake (Erie) and pesters everyone, but only lives for a short time.

A six month warranty doesn't make the kit better. It makes the warranty better.
I mean what is the REAL difference?

BTW a lot of the parts are definitely NOT interchangeable among the "similar" engines. Like two different bores on the "same engine" from the same seller.

I'm not trying to be difficult here, I am just trying to find out what "the difference" is.
There is no real difference in the engine, except for the quality. The quality is the difference. You are right, a six month warranty may not make the kit better, it makes the warranty better. But also keep in mind that without a quality built engine, the manufacture would be not be able to offer such a warranty.
There is no real difference in the engine, except for the quality. The quality is the difference. You are right, a six month warranty may not make the kit better, it makes the warranty better. But also keep in mind that without a quality built engine, the manufacture would be not be able to offer such a warranty.

You should be in politics!:ride:

I say, good on you for having a 6 month warranty. All of the engines I have bought from various sources would not have needed a warranty, even after 6 months.
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thanks for all your ideas, I want to know what is the flaw of Raw motor.
I am from their supplier, I want to know what do you think of our products.
Thank you JIANGDU FLYING HORSE GASOLINE ENGINE FACTORY for asking how to improve your engines, I am sure that if you improve your engines you will get more customers as the word will go around that you have the best engines. I will start by adding a few suggestions on making your engines the best and hope that other members on this board will add theirs.
1. Replace spark plugs with good quality NGK or Bosch plugs
2. Replace plug wires and boots with good quality 7mm.
3. Replace all engine mounting studs , head studs and bolts with good quality grade 8 hardened steel studs and bolts that will not strip.
4.Replace head, intake and exhaust gaskets with better quality ones.
5.Better quality castings for the cylinder jugs with nice straight fins and not the bent messy holed ones we,ve been getting.
6.Real fuel lines and better quality petcocks.
7. no leaky gas tanks, and make sure they are super clean on the inside when they leave the factory.

Ok thats enough from me,I know I have not covered everything so please other members can add to this list, and if JIANGDU FLYING HORSE GASOLINE ENGINE FACTORY wants our business maybe they will start on some of these improvments.I know I will buy a better motor if I know its better than some of the crap thats out there. MAC
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Can Anything Be Done About Engine Vibration ?? That Is The Main Problem, For Me. Thanks For Asking
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