Been real lazy lately... Sorry!


New Member
Hey Everyone,

Just dropping a quick note to say hey! I've been SO lazy about my MB lately, largely due to acquiring a motorcycle- two actually (one for the old lady), and playing with and working on them. One is a 1980 Yamaha Maxim 650 (me), and the other is an 87' Suzuki Savage (her).

All I can say to those who have never had a Motorcycle (it's been a while for me) is BEWARE! These darn things can make you forget about everything else you love in life. I have not pedaled a conventional bike in a couple months because of them, and have barely even rode my Spooky Tooth, despite just having finished hooking up the front end with a new fork and brake setup.

Anyway! Roy, aka Softride- came to my work and bought a bike from me the other day to use for his build platform for a 2 stroke kit he got off the internets. I am stoked to have met him and wanted to pop by here and say hello. I'll hopefully be helping Roy build his bike here soon.

One last thing- to add to my problems with motorcycle addiction, somebody just gave me a 1978 Vespa moped yesterday. Non-running, no title or plate. But it was $FREE.99!! I'd tell you all the story, but maybe later. It's not stolen, promise! THe motor has compression and what looks to be a new plug. I'm pretty confident I can make it run in fairly short order. Maybe when it's running I can let the old lady ride it while we cruise with our MB's...

Finding the title is going to be the hard part, I hope.

LOL anyway, that's all I got! Have a great one all!
I had a Yamaha V-max with no title one time. I got a abandon title for it to sell it. It was a long process but it can be done.

Good to hear from you steve :)
yeah you can apply for abandoned/lost title from the DMV. Just takes a little time.

The Vespa would be pretty fun.

I don't have a motorcycle yet, and have never ridden one. I would like to eventually get one though. I'd like to get something for around $500 and fix it up. I saw a couple on craigslist that I would've loved to get, but it's just not time for that yet. Lucky for me my tastes are changing a bit. I used to ONLY like sport I'm liking a greater variety. I still don't like obnoxiously loud bikes though, and I still don't see what's so great about Harley.
if it's over 50cc it'll need to be registered. Also, scooters are called mopeds a lot. if it's a real moped, then you probably don't need it, but it's a good idea to have, if you can get one.
I had a 1970 Honda CB750Four. It was pretty cool and a lot of fun. I got rid of it and to this day I still don't know why.
Sure. I want a Harley. I want that new Challenger. But even if I do get these things I want in life and I get to riding it and have a blast it still cannot compare to riding my bicycles with the cool engine attached to it going at speeds less than 20 mph.
Read my sig.
When I ride my motoredbike,there is nothing else in this world with an engine that makes me feel like I'm 14 again.
I had a 1970 Honda CB750Four. It was pretty cool and a lot of fun. I got rid of it and to this day I still don't know why.
Sure. I want a Harley. I want that new Challenger. But even if I do get these things I want in life and I get to riding it and have a blast it still cannot compare to riding my bicycles with the cool engine attached to it going at speeds less than 20 mph.
Read my sig.
When I ride my motoredbike,there is nothing else in this world with an engine that makes me feel like I'm 14 again.

Amen AMEN! I love the feeling! Something funny about these bikes, it's the Harley guys that are always stopping me wanting info and to ride my bike... You should see the smiles when they drive up. I KNOW they aren't going anywhere with it, I always insist they leave their bike with me!