'Beefed up' Monark forks $180

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Sportscarpat & I are now selling 'beefed up' versions of this Monark fork for $180!!
Pat is doing all the re-welding of the crown area & also fixing the problem of the loose fit of the bottom bearing race.

These are now super strong for motorized bicycle use!

If you have a older fork, Pat can re-weld it for you!

PM me or Pat with any questions, or order one at- [email protected]


Here's a pic of the TIG welding that Pat is doing to them... (this doesn't show his bearing race repair, only the welding.)
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Wll 26x3 tires fit nicely with these forks? How much is shipping to tucson az? I Think these forks would look real good on my trike.