Basic starting out question from a beginner


New Member
Hi all-

I'm totally new to this and am working on my first build. I bought a raw motors 80 cc kit and have been Installng it the last two days. I think it's pretty much together now just needs tweaking and troubleshooting.

First thing I noticed that I was concerned about was that pulling the clutch lever doesn't seem to disengage the motor. The clutch is working (the handle turns when I pull the lever) but I'm not getting free of the motor and drive train. Its still almost impossible to push the bike freely. wHat mIght be the problem here?

Also if anyone could give me some tips on adjustments to the carburetor, throttle, etc that should be made before I fuel up and try to ride or other things to beware of I would really appreciate it. Just lookng for some standard default setting to set that will make the first start up go smoother. thank you for the help.
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Welcome rygarrett, glad you joined us.

Others will be along to help answer your questions or I will be back.