Banned from spandex site

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i was banned from a site once for trying to download a file while the poster was still uploading to the post. i didnt realized he was doing this as the link to the first part was there. when i asked why i was banned, he said now your not only banned, but banned for life. i just figured that guy had some issues so i erased the site from my memory bank. I try to never speak politics in a non-political forum tho due to the extreme rhetoric this leads to which ultimately distracts from the focus of the forum.
Deep and argumentative discussions, political or otherwise can be a disruption for sure and there are usually rules in civil society to at least maintain discourse. Forums are owned by someone and they can set the rules however they like. Some are very Jeffersonian and subscribe to the principle, "It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg", others not so much. Sometimes people become so infatuated with control that they begin to exhibit thuggish behavior and will "lop off a head" with little provocation.

This forum, IMO, is very well managed by the Admin and Mods. A civil state is maintained without stifling free expression. Bravo gentlemen!
Deep and argumentative discussions, political or otherwise can be a disruption for sure and there are usually rules in civil society to at least maintain discourse. Forums are owned by someone and they can set the rules however they like. Some are very Jeffersonian and subscribe to the principle, "It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg", others not so much. Sometimes people become so infatuated with control that they begin to exhibit thuggish behavior and will "lop off a head" with little provocation.

This forum, IMO, is very well managed by the Admin and Mods. A civil state is maintained without stifling free expression. Bravo gentlemen!

Hey Kerf, Have you been ridin or is it too cold ? There was a few days I thought it was too cold and didn't ride.

I go everywhere on that friggin trike ! Well over 1000 miles this winter.

Crazy thing is I have NEVER been in a trike wreck !

Bike wrecks ? I wrecked so many times on bikes !

They won't ban a person for talking about trikes on this site ! ! !

Or this one for that matter.

Love, Steve
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I'll tell you how to really piss people off on forums. Post whatever the **** you want, and when someone tries to verbally beat you up don't even acknowledge their posts. Act as if you have them blocked and don't see their posts. That drives them crazy. You'll probably still end up banned but they'll never know if you even cared, and that drives them even crazier.

Remenber this,

Don't sweat the petty, and pet the sweaty.
I do get a lot of thumbs up when I ride.

Mostly from the low rider crowd and younger people.

Twice when my trike was parked at the store I came back and my flag was busted off.

Some people don't like it ? :(

Anyway I saw 6 bicycles parked in front of the Circle K the other day. Never seen that many before. :)

The middle east is melting down and gas prices are going up ! Mo bikes, mo bikes ! ! ! :)

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I think some of these guys need to get the base ball bat outta there you know whats.
This is supposed to be fun and relaxing, not argumentative, political or deviseive...
As long as your not insulting or using harsh language ADULTS SHOULD be able to express ideas and question freely.
Actually I think I banned myself from the other bike forum the first week I was there;;; Other wise I have never been banned maybe its because I have no opinions I think worth arguing about.
I was banned once from a particular site that I joined only for the interests of downloading precracked tools and such. They had some great stuff, but evidently the only way you were accepted was from a review of your introductory post. Evidently I didn't fare well for some reason so I got banned for life! What could I expect from a site out of South America anyhow! laff

Since then, there was a time when I toyed with those pesky Nigerian scammers. I used to lead them on and then get them banned from their email addresses and fake bank sites. Ahhh....those were the days!
I was banned once from a particular site that I joined only for the interests of downloading precracked tools and such. They had some great stuff, but evidently the only way you were accepted was from a review of your introductory post. Evidently I didn't fare well for some reason so I got banned for life! What could I expect from a site out of South America anyhow! laff

Since then, there was a time when I toyed with those pesky Nigerian scammers. I used to lead them on and then get them banned from their email addresses and fake bank sites. Ahhh....those were the days!

How cool you should mention Nigeria. The president of some bank in Nigeria, that I never heard of before, sent me an email saying that they had 50 million dollars for me. All I had to do was send my bank account number and they would deposit the funds directly to my account. I'm so excited about being rich, I've been look'n all over at new bike stuff!!!!
How cool you should mention Nigeria. The president of some bank in Nigeria, that I never heard of before, sent me an email saying that they had 50 million dollars for me. All I had to do was send my bank account number and they would deposit the funds directly to my account. I'm so excited about being rich, I've been look'n all over at new bike stuff!!!!

That is just hilarious! laff

I learned how to toy with them from here, Ebola Monkey Man: Nigerian 419 Scam
after reading "Albert Fred." Cracked me up!

The real pro I found that's got me beat is on
Hiker- I had to set this link aside. I have been laughing for 1/2 hour straight and my wife is now threatening to turn the tv on to blank out my mirth. Thanks. it is totally hilarious- I started out narrating the plot but had to quit when the language got bad.
I still get the same message at the site and never got a reply to my query for an explanation-

"You have been banned for the following reason: NONE
date the ban will be lifted: Never

I did get onto the forum on another computer and was sorta surprised my posts hadn't been pulled down- this was in "the Lounge" there in a thread marked "Best Dentist EVAH"
about, well a dentist,

And when I put up a few comments about how the cops have taken a special interest in my dental care, I was getting asked some followup questions-

don't recall it much- got a little worked up I guess, because well, the cops have taken a personal interest in my dental care for some time, and in different areas of the country.

Hadn't been on the site very long- a month or two, and my other posts weren't much-
some coaching tips, discussion about an old Cinelli someone was buying, some comments and a picture of Peter Yates when he died, a denial of the ever-present rumor that I'm Greg leMond... you know the usual.

It really is personal- between me and a small but very rabid group of extremists who constantly try to trash my life and amuse themselves at it.

the dude who trashed my apartment was part of it and sent me a lot of weird emails all fall and winter then. search "this guy trashed my apartment" here

and here is the site otherwise- the stuff is still probably there but you might have to dig into the tavern a few weeks to find the thread

here it is
I am "harpon" there and on many sites, like, and "harponercam" on youtube
yes I got worked up but ironicaly I wasn't going to post anymore on the thread
The cops were following me around town quite a bit right then- including the appearance at the ATM when I went to transfer money when my utils were shut off without notice.
I've gotten bothered in this apartment quite a bit here as in several others the past 10 years or so and the police seem to want some of the credit without appearing public otherwise.

here's the lame site- I'm outta here- as I intended a couple of weeks back

I have a degree in Journalism- I've written three books and a couple of screenplays- I should be writing profound insights on the fusion of politics and philosophy and yes, even religion- not these rambling accounts about how thugs are destroying me. Like I said, it's their loss- I have a LIFETIME of cycling behind me.

RoadBikeReview: cycling gear and road bike reviews, forums, and classifieds
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Ugh, yeah, well maybe I'll just be go'n now. See you around somewhere, I mean maybe, ugh, have a good life.
Well, I'm not too keen on what it is to be transgendered, but if I had to guess I'd bet it's in line with what Richard Speck did to himself in prison. He took some hormones/(estrogen?) and grew a set of breasts.....for what reason, I have no idea. Am I correct here? If this is what you did, then it is quite possible you are suffering the side effects of too many hormones and should lay off of them for a while, because I believe that it is affecting your ability to reason intelligently.
You'd like to turn it all into Jerry Springer- how typical!

I'm glad about what I've done with my life- it's too bad the same kind of jerks who are still WRONG about Vietnam and every other war for that matter are still so stupid at this point in time

In fact even more insulting that they were in years past

but the fact is that I don't have to among your ignorant ranks and it's something you should get over.

I am not a second class citizen no matter how much this place has placed renwed value on baby killers and self destructive fascist abusive heroes.
You'd like to turn it all into Jerry Springer- how typical!

I'm glad about what I've done with my life- it's too bad the same kind of jerks who are still WRONG about Vietnam and every other war for that matter are still so stupid at this point in time

In fact even more insulting that they were in years past

but the fact is that I don't have to among your ignorant ranks and it's something you should get over.

I am not a second class citizen no matter how much this place has placed renwed value on baby killers and self destructive fascist abusive heroes.

really dude really! I do not care if you think the war is right or wrong, but ill be damned if im gonna sit silently and let you disrespect the men that put there life on the line for what our country told them to do.... They are hero's and me as a veteran and a male nurse whom saves life's every day, are hero's along with police and fire fighter's.. We are underpaid and do these things cause people like you wont step up!!!! Dont you dare criticize our veterans, I dont care what you think you are but going after hero's is as low as you can get in my book buddy or sissy or girlie what are you ???? A PUNK after that statement that's what you are!!!! It takes A LOT to get me mad congrats!!!!
You'd like to turn it all into Jerry Springer- how typical!

I'm glad about what I've done with my life- it's too bad the same kind of jerks who are still WRONG about Vietnam and every other war for that matter are still so stupid at this point in time

In fact even more insulting that they were in years past

but the fact is that I don't have to among your ignorant ranks and it's something you should get over.

I am not a second class citizen no matter how much this place has placed renwed value on baby killers and self destructive fascist abusive heroes.

Whoa. Simmer done there guy/gal. What does this have to do with, "What is a transgendered person?" I don't see the correlation here. Evidently I must have it wrong with the parallel with Speck, so what is it?

Another thing. No one wants to hear about your hatred for the men and women in our military who have died for this country so that you can choose the life you want to live. I would suggest you apologize for those remarks. Remember, if it wasn't for our military we'd be in a heck of a fix, but if you really don't like it you could always move to another country. Isn't FREEDOM a wonderful thing?
Whoa. Simmer done there guy/gal. What does this have to do with, "What is a transgendered person?" I don't see the correlation here. Evidently I must have it wrong with the parallel with Speck, so what is it?

Another thing. No one wants to hear about your hatred for the men and women in our military who have died for this country so that you can choose the life you want to live. I would suggest you apologize for those remarks. Remember, if it wasn't for our military we'd be in a heck of a fix, but if you really don't like it you could always move to another country. Isn't FREEDOM a wonderful thing?

you are sooo freaking right at this point!!!! i can not believe he went there , or that anyone would ever go there!!!!!!
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