Balancing the crank 1 hole or 3 hole method

Wevil Kenevil

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2022
Sack a tomatoes California
Recently my friend acquired a drill press with some fancy clamps and vices so I decided to give balancing cranks a try.

I used the 3 hole method on the one I did and then saw the one hole method that puts the crank safely in the balanced zone. Like 90% 85% by drilling a half inch hole a half inch down directly between the two holes on both sides.

The guy has a bike shop and claims that's how he has always done them and never had anyone complain. He said it works on any type crank hi/low hole .

Has anyone tried this? If so what was your experience? Here's a good video I found on you tube about finding your balance weight is a good cheat sheet.

I am looking for the one hole method video so you can see it. Will post it when I do.