bad idle/leaky carb


New Member
Hi everyone, I am very new to this and have never posted anything before. I assembled my bike and everything seemed to be working fine but now, when i pull the clutch in, it idles but slowly gets weaker until it dies. Also, when i turn my bike off and look at the carb, it seems to be leaking as i can see gas around the float area, i think it may be coming from the tickle switch, but not sure. Any suggestions? thanks -max
Might turn screw on side of carb inward to get a higher idle.
Take the float bowl off check the white round thing for gas inside.
If none there search carb rebuild and adjust float.
Good luck.
Hope you get to Vashon for the Isles ride.
I will concur it is either a defective float or simply needs to be adjusted. Could also be some junk in the needle and seat for the float as well. If my carb is ever leaking it is always the float.
thanks for all the help guys. i adjust the float level and it has stopped for the bad idle, it had stopped, maybe just junk in the carb... -max
ok to keep it honest i live in new york city were gas bicycles are illegal on the streets so i keep the idle screw on the carb backed out all the way so everytime i stop the engine turns off because of the cops i was planning on leaving it that way however i noticed that my carb seems to be leaking fuel it seems as it is flooding because the fuel surfaces along the rim of the bowl being that i dont know to much about carbs can any body tell me if having my idle screw set like that could be causing the back up in the carb bowl? thanks
You don't have to remove the idle screw.. Just screw it out a little..Engine should stop within 4 seconds when you pull the clutch in..
ok to keep it honest i live in new york city were gas bicycles are illegal on the streets so i keep the idle screw on the carb backed out all the way so everytime i stop the engine turns off because of the cops i was planning on leaving it that way however i noticed that my carb seems to be leaking fuel it seems as it is flooding because the fuel surfaces along the rim of the bowl being that i dont know to much about carbs can any body tell me if having my idle screw set like that could be causing the back up in the carb bowl? thanks

I remember when i was a kid when my parents went out at night my sis and i would stay up and watch tv way past our bed time haha we thought, untill they came home and felt the back of the tv...busted

Dont think your idle screw is your floodin culprit most often its crap in the float needle seat.