anyone ever though of using a OUTBOARD motor?

Condolences to you and yours.

I only knew grandparents on one side. I can remember him driving us in his car during a rain storm. The windshield wipers slowed when the engine was at idle. They worked on a vacuum drive on a 56 Chevy.

My dad died about 7 years ago. He showed me how to use a washing machine pulley v-belt drive on a motor bike. I had made two of them as a teenager and have almost just completed another. When this storm passes I will be assembling the last of what is needed.

My wheel hub pictures below.

Measure Twice


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Good grief, my uncledean just told me that grandpa leon had a 1917 excelcior super x and he had a 1915 harly davidson!!. Apperently they worked on a chicken farm for 2 years to beable to buy them from the guy! And get this, grandpa was 15 when he was riding the super x! The harly died in south dakota of a Broken axel and the super x was traded for a 30s ford
The thing I don't get is why did a guy have both a 15 harly and a 17 excelcior? And another is why was it traded?
When your grandpa was a young fellow, these old bikes were just considered to be old junk, especially the Harley as there were plenty of them around, the super X may have had more value because the company was having troubles and about to shut down...if they worked you rode them, if they broke, you got rid if them. As far as him trading for a car...well you have to keep in mind that he was a young fellow and not too concerned about how valuable those machines would become someday, besides it's pretty hard to go parking in a motorsickle on a rainy night.
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Yea I guess so. And plus after grandpa and dean went to war almost all of the steel things tht grandpa earl diddent think was absolutly needed went to the scrap. Damn I wish I had the super x. Tha would be absolutly awesom or a neracar great grandpa earl had one (our family has a habbit of purchasing odd motorcyes)
My dad has 2 indian scouts and one chief and he almost is to the point of giving me a little '51 harly davidson single if the guy decides not to come pick it up(he droped it off so my dad could clan carb and replace fuel lines but he hasn't came to pick it up yet. Its been 4 months)
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Maybe look up Honest Charlie speed shop ( Cocker tire) he put together a motorcycle with a V8 60 flathead, and just used a right angle drive 1to1 ratio and slips the clutch to go. It works quit well how I know is my neighbor built on also.
Charlie chaindrive if you get to brainerd sometime I could take you over and show you...........Curt
Hmm that would be cool, we're hading into brainerd later today to get food for the funeral (caterings 700+ dollars). But I need to stop at easyrders to pick up a part for the brakes on my motorbike anda new cable.
Hmm that would be cool, we're hading into brainerd later today to get food for the funeral (caterings 700+ dollars). But I need to stop at easyrders to pick up a part for the brakes on my motorbike anda new cable.
Better wait till a later date so I can check with him. He has a lot of cars and such will see if its were we can get at it. Will let you know. PM me your e-mail and I have some more pictures I can send you...........Curt
Ok then well tomarrow I'm gettng my early 50s shelby I don't know the exact year but its apperently rare and it has caliper brakes ( I diddent realy think they had calipers back in th 50s but that's what the guys on the cabe said) and I mite end up puting motor in it anyways. Its got enough space for probably a 8 to 10 hp briggs and its brazed and lugged and it has a 3 speed sturmy archer
Turns out my neighbor left town for thankgiving. I have a picture of a guy that put a Crosly 4 cyclinder in a bike. I would post but don't know how but I can send it to you if you PM me with your email address..............Curt
Here's my frame I'm starting to use, its kinda krappy
Well the damned thing ain't coperating at the moment (on my cell phone) but its a old womans frame (I posted pis of it on the cabe, for some reason its easyer to post pics from mobil phones on there) ad its a ugly green with a abnormaly long fork tube. I'll just cut it at the downtube and bend a u shape out of the piece of duralum tubin that by grandpa had squirreld away in the garage. And then fabicate a tank and my uncle eric will paint it for m and aunt joell would do the decal designsdrn2