Anyone build a battery lately with the lithium ion smip08hp cells


I ordered a book on building E bike batteries that will make it possible. I'm also a ham radio operator with a so so background with electronics through the years and electrical also. I'm not master at either, but not a dummy either since I can read simple schematics since electronics class in 1969 LOL. The specs look really fun with these cells. I also ordered a bunch of 18650 cells to experiment with. The motor will be brushless 48 volt 500 watt gear motor. For this one 5 mph will be OK The other build with gas motor is for going fast L O L
You’d be better off with an 18650 pack of low C, higher capacity cells. The spim08hps have a high C rate which means they can dump five to ten times the current of 18650s for the same capacity. But for that capacity they’re also double the size. is a good seller, you are looking for packs that will do 1-3c depending on the pack capacity (bigger capacity = lower c rate needed). Something like 48v 10ah or so.
Thanks for the good advice Tony. Those smip08hp cells really are large, they are 4.5" x 5.5" Battery hook up dot com is a great source and I'm a lot more inclined to experiment with recycled cells.