anybody interested in a custom made gas tank ?


New Member
I am in quite a pickle
I have a beutiful marcagi bike with way to many fabrication hours in it, i have it complete however the motor i have is problematic.
So now i cant ride my custom bike due to the economy cant afford a new motor so here is my offer.
I will build you a custom gas tank any style you would like for an 80cc motor kit, my avatar is an example of my work, i have more pictures of other custom tanks that i have built but have trouble downloading pictures.
i would paint your tank with automotive grade paint ( fuel proof )
If you are interested email me and we can work somthing out.

thanks for looking
Whats wrong with your motor? Or is there a thread? I was actually looking up your threads. Saw on another, your fabing over the stock ones and think you are really on to some thing with the concept. Be a great product for sale and I would be interested.

Also, do you want just a motor or need a whole kit?
I have put way to many hours in the motor that i have it was a used motor that i took a
chance with and i am over it.
Alot of people gave me some great ideas for fixing it but still cant get it running so my choice is to bail.
I would like a whole kit and if you would like me to make you a tank i could use the tank from that kit to build a custom tank.
After i fabricate a tank i could then pull a mold from it to actually create as many tanks as you would like.
Then the issue is creating several molds for several bicycle applications

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If you email me at [email protected] i can send you pictures
I havent figured out the posting picture thing on this site, my avatar is actually of a streached tank that i just finished

thanks for looking