Any tips for a inframe gas tank


New Member

I am in the middle of my Nirve Skulls project and ready to start on the top tube in frame gas tank, any tips would be greatly appreciated.

On the last one I did, a Switchblade it was semi successful with wire wool and JB weld blocking off both ends and then a tank sealer added. I just wondered if there were any easier/better solutions out there.

I have not done it personally, but I have read many writeups on how to do it by many different folks who have tried many different ideas/ techniques.
To the best of my knowledge, the way you did it then is still the best way now.
Some folks don't do the JB Weld part and it still works good. Degrease the wire wool first. It is typically oiled to prevent rust and corrosion during storage. You can also get oil free wire wool that is used for fine woodworking and avoid the whole degreasing process. Just do a couple of layers of sealer over the wire wool letting each coat cure fully between applications. This can take a few days for each coat. It is not a fast process and don't rush it.
Wow! I have heard of Caswell but that is the first time I have seen it used.
Thank you for sharing that link, Crazy Horse.
That tank sealing method is awesome!
Hi crazyhorse,

Thanks for the link. Do you think that method would work with POR-15 sealer as I have a load left over from the previous build and the caswell sealer is $70 over here!

Cheers Jim
Ive used Caswell w great results. sealed a Micargi Falcon upper tube, and 3 handmade tanks. Works 4 me !

Make sure no water in tank. A little rust is ok. Clean w/ acetone and dry out before sealing. Make sure Caswell and tank are same temp for 24 hrs before. Mix & let set at 70 degrees plus. Make sure Caswell gets ran over areas needing sealed before setiing. Cure for 24 hrs & go is my experience
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