any thoughts for mounting the rear sprocket?


New Member
My bike originally came with 100 Spoke rims. And I'd really like to keep them. But, im sure you all can figure out my problem now.

Any other mounting options for the rear sprocket??

Could I get away with just attaching 5 bolts instead of all 9? Im just afraid that would ruin the rim's straightness.

Any help would be great appreciated.
It's darn near impossible to get 'em to run true using all 9 bolts!
...and then it changes!!!

Can't wait to see if someone comes up with a good solution for you.
Good luck
For what its worth 50= years ago I filed out a sproket ( large crank sproket) and welded it to the hub just in front of the spokes. Road that bike for a couple years (summers) before I traded it for my first car 4 door 1930 model A.
You could do the same with some kind of adapter to bolt a sproket to. Someone else just did that here on the fourm not to long ago I am thinking it was Mr.B..........Curt
lol yeah no kidding. In the meantime im on the hunt for a cheapo 20" rear rim haha has wholesale parts. Because they are aimed at resellers they charge a small surcharge for public sales but even then their prices are lower than anywhere else. Quality components, too.

Their order process is different from most places, you order then they call you. I think more to make sure your order is right.

They sell so low I've thought of becoming an eBay seller. The prices are such I could still make money after the fees :)
Well, I found the rim from an old bike of mine that I didnt even know I had.
Still in the process of being able to attach a sprocket to the 100 wire rim.

The welding process sounds like the easiest at this point.