Any CB Radio Users?

Your lucky in the respect. Around here it is flat as a pancake. I think my elevation is 3' to 5'! What antenna are you going to use?

Ill use a 102" whip. Going to have to do something for a ground plane. Ill put it under the rack. Ill tuck the metal box right behind the seat. I was thinking about bolting the antenna to the box but I want it at the back of the rack.
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Yes, I used to key down and drop the maul on the duckplucking mudducks around my stack 'o bricks.

Lafayette SSB-140, Cobra 146GTL, Superstar 360, Yaesu 757GX, Kenwood TS-940 are some of the radio I have used.

Thunderbolt, Hurricane, SCP Amateur Amplifier, are some of the amplifiers I used.
Yes, I used to key down and drop the maul on the duckplucking mudducks around my stack 'o bricks.

Lafayette SSB-140, Cobra 146GTL, Superstar 360, Yaesu 757GX, Kenwood TS-940 are some of the radio I have used.

Thunderbolt, Hurricane, SCP Amateur Amplifier, are some of the amplifiers I used.

That model of Lafayette was a good looking radio. I never bothered with any of the ham radios.

It would really be interesting to see the radiation pattern of your bike! My guess would be that it would be egg shaped following the length of the bike.

I took a look around the warehouse to see what kind of CBs were lying around:

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I use to have a handheld motorized bicycle on my motorized bicycle. I had a little antenna I picked up from a TA. It worked great! Until the batteries died.
Why don't you stop running an illegal radio and get a ham license?

You don't have to do code anymore.
I miss my old cb days I mainly talked on a midland that had a phone for a mike lived on the 2nd tallest point in mississippi with a set of home made beems use to talk to people from all over myself as far west as cali and as far east as europe.

Mike what do you mean Illegal there is nothing Illegal about a CB and they can be very usefull.
yea I was not thinking about the 550 watts but that is the first time I ever heard that sideband was illegal but I have not talked on a CB in years so I would not know everything.
Its only illeagal if you get caught. CB Is tough to track, but if you ever did get caught I think the FCC would just slap you on the wrist unless you were causing some serous trouble or interference.
I ran a huge station with 500+watts for several years in west tn. Had a fiberglass omni antenna mounted on top of a huge old pine tree. Never had a problem with the fcc, unless you're in a urban area tearing up commercial radio, they have better things to do these days. I ran mostly 11 meter with a Emporer 5010 and a ceramic tube ham linear set up for "freeband". I've talked to stations as far away as europe and africa from tennessee with this rig
My handle was Maniac. (Big surprise right?)