Any carb pics out there showing the E-clip?


New Member
Hi gang... new on here and my engine has been on my bike for the last 4 days and running great, except that it seems to be running too rich (black plug, oily secretion from muffler etc...). I often read comments about adjusting the e-clip on a shaft, however I have no idea where this thing is and need more details or pics maybe as to where and how to lower the clip one notch.
Thanks...great threads!
Divrr from Ottawa Canada.
if you go to spooky tooth web site and hit on help you are going to see motor instaliation there you will how to install you carbuteror and there you will see a pic of the e clip
Remove the top of the carb.
When you pull the top off, the slide and needle will come out. You want to remove the needle, and move the little clip UP a notch to lean your mixture.
Thanks my thread-friend... as you wrote the Spooky Tooth site sure has it all with pics. It sure is re-assuring to realize these more than useful threads exist, as well as understanding and interested thread-pals like you.
One notch up the needle shaft and my bike is now humming like a watch and hardly smoking at all on idle. The plug is cleaner and the engine responds better with no vibes at all speeds although it sputters a bit at low speed. I can just imagine what it will run like after break-in with a higher oil-gas ratio.
Thanks again and happy motoring!

Divrr from Ottawa Canada