I'm a 16 year small boy, living in Norway. Currently applying for Industrial Production education.
I've tinkered with bicycles and small motorcycles since forever, but only the last year have i actually combined the two, and it's awesome!
Of MB's i've got a Stihl chainsaw powered one i got from a local carwrecker, and a "Jobu-Knallert" prototype from 1952 (!) They had problems with the engine noise, so it's a one-off, and i'm currently restoring it.
When it comes to real production bikes, i have a
few more, especially pre-war Harleys, that my father picked up when they were still "trash"

I've made a "small" list
192? Husqvarna "Kattunge" 200cc
1921 Harley Davidson 1000cc w/ sidecar
192? Harley Davidson 1000cc
Boardtracker project
1922 Harley-Davidson 1000cc
1923 Harley-Davidson Stroked 1100cc
1926 Harley Davidson 1200cc w/sidecar
1929 Harley-Davidson 750cc "the ****tiest 750 ever made"
1932 Harley Davidson 750cc Completely original, except for left tank half.
1932 Indian Chief 1200cc w/reverse gearbox from the only dispatch-tow in Norway
1934 Indian Chief 1200cc
1937 DKW RT/3 98cc
1937 Ariel Red Hunter 500cc
1938 NSU 500cc Almost a pure copy of a Norton
1938 Ariel 350cc
1938 New Imperial 150-225cc One of 3 imported to Norway in '38
1940 Nimbus Humlebi 4-cylinder
1941 Zündapp KS-600 600cc shaft drive w/sidecar
1941 Zündapp KS-600 600cc shaft drive under restoration
1943 Ariel 500cc
1948 Excelsior Autobyk 98cc -Essentially a MB with a Villiers engine
1952 Ariel Red Hunter 500cc
1953 Tempo-Villiers 98cc
1954 IFA K-125 125cc
1955 IFA K-125 125cc Enduro bike
1955 ZiD K-125 125cc
1955 ZiD K-125 150cc
196? Puch VS50 2-stroke
1961 Tempo Corvette 50cc
1962 HMW 50cc
1968 Lambretta 150cc
1978 Tempo Panter 50cc
1983 Suzuki 50cc
198? Puch Maxi 50cc
199? Yamaha Sting 50cc
2003 Off-brand Scooter 50cc
What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of how spoiled i am