I should probably have posted this in the safety forum and maybe I will but here is a good place too.
Just got back from a library run and discovered something you never notice from a car. When it snows and if you live in a city like Denver Colorado where they spread sand on the roads for those morons who don't know how to drive in snow, guess where all that sand ends up when they run the plows. Right, it goes into the bike lanes. My four mile run to the local library was a slippery trip. No snow, not even wet but I had to ride in an inch of sand and pea gravel. Got pelted with the stuff 'cause I don't have fenders. Keep this in mind.
Just got back from a library run and discovered something you never notice from a car. When it snows and if you live in a city like Denver Colorado where they spread sand on the roads for those morons who don't know how to drive in snow, guess where all that sand ends up when they run the plows. Right, it goes into the bike lanes. My four mile run to the local library was a slippery trip. No snow, not even wet but I had to ride in an inch of sand and pea gravel. Got pelted with the stuff 'cause I don't have fenders. Keep this in mind.