about charity in general

Wait till a bum ask you for $3.00 for a cup of coffee and you tell him coffee is a buck twenty five and he tells you he has a date.ONLY IN AMERICA.
We're all in this together right? I mean, life is NOT a giant football game. It's not good to have contempt for poor people, or to try and assume they are lying. Life has a myriad of factors, but is interdependent upon itself. One area may be much different from another- I remember the homelessness in L.A. in the 80's, and you couldn't pee anywhere without a quarter. (and I get crap for being on disability now) But if you are in Peoria and haven't seen such a thing, you may hear another argument.

You can't let one end down and think it doesn't affect anything adverserly, or worse (and an attitude that seems to have grown) that you or your group are getting something out of denying someone else basic necessities at least.
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People who beg for money are beggars. 99.9% beg for money out of laziness or a simple inability to do what they need to do to get by in society.

The other .1% should be in a mental institution, and fell through the cracks for some reason.

There is no excuse for someone to live on the streets, we are not a 3rd world country.

Did anyone from a cold climate, such as Cleveland, Ohio ever wonder why those homeless people never start walking south where it's warm? How about out into the vast wilderness, where with just a little forethought and effort could live a comfortable life? Most of them would rather bum money for a quart of dollar wine or a hit of crack rather than try to make the best of their situation.

Finally, I have helped out a couple of "homeless" people buy setting them up with a job, groceries, and yes, even a place to stay for awhile....guess what? They went right back to it because they didn't want to pull their weight and do what was needed to stay off the street.
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I too am on disability. I don't have a lot going for me. A semi blind photographer isn't going to be working much, even these days. And I do consider myself blessed that I have a place to live and food to eat. A lot of that is because god blessed me with a wife who is an exceptional lady. As Ross Parot often said, I married above myself.

I grew up in a mill village and my mother and father worked in a cotton mile for slave wages to raise four kids. I'm the black sheep. All the others did much better than me. At least by some folks standards, but none of us ever gave up. My mom and dad didn't allow it. You fought the fight, even if you lost, but you never gave up. Being poor isn't a crime or even a sinful thing. What is a crime and a sin is to cheat people. The truly poor get help though respectable charities, which my wife donates to every month, She also give to her church which supports various food pantries and the like. Those are worthy and truly uplifting organizations.

How does any of that relate to the man who walks up to you in the parking lot with a story about his car being broken and he needs twenty bucks to buy a part. However when you offer to drive him to the parts house and buy the part then help him install it, he beats a quick retreat with his tail between his legs.

Again being poor is not a sin or a crime, but lying and fraud is in my opinion.
I got it in my head somewhere along the line that I was going to play this game without being a bum.

I would rather sleep on the ground and eat dirt than get food stamps or welfare.

Well so far I have not had to do those things.

I now see a lot of friends and family that had good high paying jobs getting food stamps.

I sure don't want to fault them.

I don't want to fault the people standing in front of WalMart taking handouts either.

Taking handouts is becoming the American way and who am I to say what the American way should be ?
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Well, handouts are not going to be the "American way" for long....if i give a handout to everyone who asks, where am I going to get enough money to hand out?

By asking for handouts?
Well, handouts are not going to be the "American way" for long....if i give a handout to everyone who asks, where am I going to get enough money to hand out?

By asking for handouts?

More and more people are taking handouts. It seems that most people at the Winn Dixie pay for their food with those cards with an American flag on them.

It is becoming the norm.

Edit: and they get to buy the good stuff too ! ! ! My wife and I are the ones cutting coupons and searching out the buy one get one free deals !
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socialism I guess.... Forty years ago the college professor I had economics from warned me the standard of living had to fall for us to fit into the world order.
I have NEVER had to take welfare, and I supported four kids, my wife and myself, sometimes on less than five grand a year....maybe I am the exception, but it can be done if a person wants to.

Never give up, never say die, you'll get by.
It wasn't easy at some points, but I talked to my girls recently, and they never knew "times were tough" when they were growing up, thank God for that one.

I didn't (and still don't) have credit cards, cable T.V. (oh those POOR KIDS!) 120 dollar sneakers, fast food 5 times a week, ect. ect.

I do (and always did) have electricity, food on the table, roof over my head, shoes and clothes that were nice enough to not be embarrassing, ect.

It's having what you need, not wanting what you haven't got.