A Few Battery Questions from a Gas Guy

Next year 200mile+ is my goal..
If I could get a moped frame, I would go for 300mile distance, but is probably cost preventative

Check Motoped Santa Cruz i think you might find something of interest :-)

Long as your happy with your e-bike thats all that matters...there is an increasing
number of people looking for higher powered high performance e-bikes, this is where my interest lies
its more for fun that serious transport. 20 mile range is more than i would ever need 10 clicks
is about my biggest commute after that my ass is to sore to sit on a bike seat 16 clean breaks in the ol pelvis to thank for that..haha

Wow, next time I hear someone bad mouthing ebikes saying no range I am going to show them this thread !

And who wouldn't want to take a nice break to charge the batteries after a 100 mile ride !
Check Motoped Santa Cruz i think you might find something of interest :-)

Long as your happy with your e-bike thats all that matters...there is an increasing
number of people looking for higher powered high performance e-bikes, this is where my interest lies
its more for fun that serious transport. 20 mile range is more than i would ever need 10 clicks
is about my biggest commute after that my ass is to sore to sit on a bike seat 16 clean breaks in the ol pelvis to thank for that..haha


$1400 before adding anything to the bike....
For an extra $1400, I could DEFINITELY Do a 300 mile no charge trip.....
And for anyone who cares, the most i've ever ridden in ONE seating is 57 miles and let me tell you how much my arse hurt after that.... LOL

Just about every day i do a 30 mile trip, every weekend I do a 45 mile trip from West Palm Beach to Ft. Lauderdale (hang out at starbucks for 4 hours, drink coffee, play cards, and then go back home :)

I'm not too curious about POWER, because i'm not racing it, and of course, like i said before, I can't have a bicycle that goes above 20mph for legal florida reasons.
1400 dollars i would consdier cheap considering middle range Downhil mountain bikes are 4k top end anywhere from 8k up

My bike has cost up near 3k now thats nothing for a decent ebike IMO....
