A clutch question

Big Joe

New Member
I understand that a centrifical (spelling?) clutch engages when the engine reaches a certain speed. When the engine is not running and you are peddling is the peddling is harder? Is a clutch that is operated by hand (on handlebar) any easier to peddle when it is disengaged and the engine is not running.? Which is the best to have or which do most prefer? Thanks for your input.
I just rode my bike and stopped it a dozen times to shoot pictures, so I did indeed peddle it with a shutdown motor and clutch in. To me that pedals harder than a bike with engine running and clutch in. Of course it isn't scientific just how it felt.
They all pedal a little harder because you are moving extra chain/sprockets/ect.

The standard clutch should pedal very slightly easier because you aren't spinning the clutch bell like on a centrifugal clutch model.