4G $300.00 USD Free shipping in continental US only

Forgot about the other part of your email the kit came with a 50 tooth. And the price I can not say if the rack mount will be more or the same but I can tell you the rack mount kits on my website are $50 more. But everything could change with the new shipment
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I had a forum member ask me for trans dimensions so I thought why not post them here for reference




Well I may as well give the rest of the measurements here you go

1. Engine and trans width is 10 3/4 inches say 11"
2. Hight from mounting plate to top 9 3/4 inches say 10"
4. From the front of the engine to back of the trans cover 10 3/4 inches say 11"



Here is the email I promised from my supplier.
(Quote Terry,
I hope this email reaches you ok; I have been having a lot of trouble with my email the last couple days. Our shipment maybe in sooner that I expected, I got a call yesterday about the details and it is currently in port meaning we could have it as early as next week. I will keep you informed as I learn more.
Thanks, Quote)

So I would say that I will not see these kits for another two weeks that is my geuss hope this makes a few people happy
Still doing your deal Terry? Let me know, I may want a few more kits..

Yes Justin Deal is on untill April 1 / 2010 just let me know I will send you an invoice. I just have one question Justin what where your thoughts on the first kit???

Hi Evan
No this is not that engine and infact my supplier was expecting a shippment of those engines with the generator and they have showed up but the out put shaft is so long that they will not be able to be used with any bicycle kit. I have not heard when the kits you are asking about will be in maybe never.
Yes Justin Deal is on untill April 1 / 2010 just let me know I will send you an invoice. I just have one question Justin what where your thoughts on the first kit???


I'll take another.

I Haven't ran the first one yet but heres some pics of how the build is coming..
Hi Justin
Thank you for the nice pictures kit looks really good except for the red engine cover on a black bike. That engine cover can be easily painted it just needs a coat of SANY0210.jpg (One Choice SUA4903 Advanced Plastic Bond) you can get this at lordco and the you can spray any paint color you like.
Thank you again Justin cool bike
Good idea. You want to paint that one and swap it out on my kit I got coming?? Maybe??

LOL Justin
I would totally do that for you my man But I am from Canada and I ship out of the US that is how I can ship for free sorry man
Great Deal Terry,
I have a question about the transmission. Does it work like like a Torque converter or is it always 5 to 1 output?
Also glad to see you are a dealer and good luck with your endeavors!
Steve M.
That too bad there shaft is to long on the generator equipped engine. Back to the current 4g kit are there many other muffler options available? Evan
Well Steve
I am very disappointed about the engines I have build a MB with motorcycle lights on it and I was counting on them to supply my power needs.
I have two mufflers I recommend the deluxe Poo Poo muffler there are some pics.
2piece-4cycle-fancy-muffler.jpg This one is $46.00 muffler ends near the end of the frame the picture shows a bracket but dose not come with that bracket.

2piece-4cycle-muffler.jpg This one is $40.00 muffler ends just past the crank.
Sorry I did not get back to you sooner my son had a hockey game I wanted to go to. I just sold a 4G T Belt to a forum member today and he also took a deluxe Poo Poo muffler. The sound from a stock muffler sounds OK but when you add the deluxe muffler sounds 5 times better very nice option.
I hope this helped you
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Sorry Justin
I was so Jone-sing over you pictures I did not read the part about you wanting another kit I will send you an invoice ASAP and Thank you