3 speed ??


minor bike philosopher
Okay, the gears in a three speed bike are inside the hub, so does it matter what gear it is in when it freewheels. In other would if you are coasting does it coast faster in high and have some gear brake action when coasting in first.

It would make a difference in how a motor would react on the bike. I guess what I'm asking is would the gearing only effect the pedal power or would it cover the wheel in general.
Thats what I thought thanks for the response.

I thought I had read that the gears would effect the turning of the wheel in relation to the sprocket hooked to the pedal area. It wouldn't effect the free wheeling at all I see. Well that solves part of the problem with building a 3 speed conversion If I leave it in 1st it will be the best for starting and won't effect the engine's performance.

Still not sure I want to use one, but it is intriguing.
Now I'm wondering if the 3speed wouldn't be the ideal bike for an electric friction drive hybrid. It might help with the problem of the weight energy ratio. With a cruiser bike you are expending a lot of energy to move the batteries around when you aren't using them. Which is why most of us use the batteries more than necessary. I wonder if the simple gears would make moving that weight around easier and therefore put less drain on the batteries. It's an interesting thought anyway.