2-3 second delay on start


New Member
hey guys...

when i peddle and then release the clutch to start the engine it takes about 2 seconds for anything to happen... ? even then with some gas its hard to get it to turn over. what would caue this?

once i get it running its fine and runs great but just starting it is a pain.
I usually have to pedal mine a few turns after i release the clutch is that what you mean?
before, when i release the clutch the engine would make noise right away... now there is a delay before anything happens, even after i give it gas.
Your clutch is slipping a little. Take the cover off, pull the clutch in and lock it and spray the inside of the clutch with some brake cleaner and clean out all the crud and grease in there.

If that doesn't do it, you may have to make a clutch adjustment.