It seems like after you build a new bike there's an inevitable teething process where you have to start working out the bugs in your design. Weaknesses have a way of showing up, and letting you know what needs to be improved. Eventually with a little patience, and perseverance you end up something that's dependable.
This bike is no different. Every time I try to go on a long ride its broken down within 5 miles. At least I've always been able to peddle home. So far it's mainly been the exhaust, and the clutch handle. The exhaust gasket has blown out twice, and then the muffler broke off the header pipe. Also twice I've pulled in the clutch at the start of a ride, only to see out of the corner of my eye something fly off into space. It was the clutch lock pin, launched by the spring when I pulled in the lever. I found the pin both times, but the spring is on the loose.
The clutch handle was easy to fix, but the exhaust was a different story. Finally after the muffler broke off the header, I installed a SBP expansion chamber, and that made huge improvement. Since the new expansion chamber is mounted solidly to the frame, and has 2 rubber connectors on the header pipe, the vibration level is a lot lower now. Not having the muffler hanging on the end of the header pipe out in space, with the engine supporting it's weight really does make a big difference in the vibration level, and dependability.
Now I have finally got a handle on my dependability issues. Last night I managed to ride 20 miles without a failure on this bike for the first time.