10 Speed


New Member
Was searching for insight from people who have built motorized bicycles already. I have a 74 schwinn le tour 10 speed. Its a light bike but sturdy. You think it could handle a 48cc motor? My main concern is the grip throttle with the kits.. bike has the curl under bars. Thanks in advance. And Im Jim btw
Welcome, I'm sure the bike itself could handle the kit, but you would have to put a mountain bike/beach cruiser type of handle bars on it, for sure. The old "curly Q" handle bars from the 70's and 80's would never work. Luckily, handle bars are (usually) one of the easiest things to change on a bike. Good luck.
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I definitely agree that drop handlebars are dangerous on a motorized bike.
However, you can use an old stem mounted shifter or an old MTB thumb shifter
for a throttle.
I think the throttle would fit but I agree would be kinda dangerous. Any idea where they sell the older throttles? Id assume e-bay if its that out of date.