
  1. moto-klasika

    WHEELS for velocars, velomobiles and other multi-wheelers

    Hello, Problems to choose, find, buy or build proper wheels for any of non-leaning light motorised vehicle were discussed on many forums and here at many threads... Maybe it would be useful to collect at one place many good ideas and solutions, and bad experiences too... I do not have...
  2. Intrepid Wheelwoman

    Une "Auto" Facile A Construire.

    Several cheaper cyclecars used the 'buckboard' form or construction where a flexible wooden chassis provided the sole means of suspension. One of the best known is the B&S buckboard powered by the famous B&S motorwheel at the rear of the chassis. In the book of velocar and cyclecar plans...
  3. Intrepid Wheelwoman

    La Voiturette Deux Places (1952)

    Bonjour mes amies! This time I'm posting the complete set of plans for a voiturette published in issue No:76 (April 1952). As with the velocar plans I posted earlier the construction is mainly in plywood and this wee car is intended to be powered by a single cylinder engine that has been...
  4. Intrepid Wheelwoman

    Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

    I would imagine that Threadcromancy isn't permitted by the moderators so I thought I'd begin a new thread to follow on from this old one here ....... The modern velomobile is far too hi-tech and expensive for me to even consider for a...