stretch cruisers

  1. R

    New member and my new Bike build

    Hi all I am new here and hope to learn a lot and maybe share a little too. I am a custom painter from up in Port Huron MI and just finished my second bike. Here is my new build its a firmstrong stretch rebel. My son already wants it. Thanks Derrick
  2. Ayotaybrink

    New Stretch Build

    Found a stretch cruiser over the summer for sale at the beach, picked it up and immediately was eager to get an engine on it. Took the engine off a beach cruiser I had, though there were some minor problems along the way she's starting to shape up nicely now.
  3. Dogtown Burner

    New Micargi Puma-in frame tank?

    check this out! im considering this for the 2nd DB build: if the link doesnt take you to a photo gallery page, sorry. but check out the micargi puma. very cool