
  1. Testname111

    Bicycle stalling out while rideing, please

    OK so my bike engine stalles out while riding from idel to accelerate but is random sometimes its fine? ( short burst stalls) Its 1 of these problems? Fuel system/carb I cleaned out my fuel tank and lines and carb already still stalls I have this carb with a #75 jet on it (it came with a #72 I...
  2. J

    Engine won’t idle and stops with clutch disengaged

    Problem-first start** -engine won’t idle but runs with 1/2 accelerator with clutch engaged - soon as clutch is disengaged while riding the engine sort of stalls an accelerating does nothing - the engine sounds like it is either starving or floodin maybe ? Things to consider ? -Bike came...
  3. J

    Engine won't turn over.

    I've recently purchased a 66cc motor from the internet and installed it on my bicycle. It ran great for about 15 minutes before refusing to turn. It seems to be the front drive sprocket (the smaller one) that just will not budge no matter what I do. Considering sending the engine back for a...
  4. J

    HS 142F Low-End Bogging

    I find myself once again turning to the expert advice of the motorbicycling forum... Anyway, my HuaSheng 49cc came in the mail on Saturday, and i finally got it mounted on my bike, along with the gas tank and did a test run (no drive chain). I have to admit I was slightly surprised that it...
  5. T

    Bike Doesn't Run - Tried Nearly Everything - Starts But Dies

    Hello again, Second build and twice as many problems as the first.. I bought a used engine from a guy i was buying a bike from. I have no clue what the displacement is. It is a flat head 2-stroke. I will post pics soon. Anyway, I installed it and it kinda started, and I finally messed around...