
  1. bluck

    JackShaft Kit Compatible Bikes

    I was looking into starting a new build on another bike and wanted a list of compatible Road/Mountain bikes that are stock(or require minimal[cheap] modifications to the rear shifting mechanism ie. not having to buy nuvinci hub) that can accommodate a jack shaft kit. I currently have a schwinn...
  2. TheNecromancer13

    Anyone ever tried a manual hub transmission?

    So I was thinking it might be possible to convert my bike from having 2 gears in the front over to just one gear, then I could steal the front derailleur, modify it, and put it onto the motor chain and add a 46t sprocket next to my 36t on the rear hub, then fashion some sort of spring loaded...
  3. H

    SPB Shift Kit and Chain Bounce on terrible roads

    I am really surprised that one other guy and I only have this problem. Let me explain the issue. I have the SBP Shaft Kit installed on my Giant Stiletto Chopper. When I ride the roads of Boston, I frequently lose my chain. The problem isn't with the kit but its the derailleur chain bounces...
  4. BuddyVape

    bmx 410 chain with shiftkit for mountain bike how to fit??

    I ordered the shift kit for my mountain bike... It came with the 410 bike chain it is a bmx single speed chain... It is about 10-12" shorter then the chain on my motorized bicycle so I can not install my shift kit is anyone else having the same problem and how do you hook it up?? .shft.
  5. J

    Ways to disconnect drivechain from motor

    Hey all, I recently got a 66cc motor up and running on a mountain bike frame. I love it, but there is one thing that I wish I could change: I hate the fact that my whole drivechain rotates no matter what. I am trying to find a way to disconnect the chain so that during long downhills...
  6. Das Chicken

    Bike won't shift into 7th gear

    Hi all, i have a specialized rockhopper (7 rear speeds) with a 48cc ht and the awesome SBP shift kit. Well, i noticed the massive amount of grime building up on the guide sprockets (the plastic ones), and that they didn't spin very well either, so i decided to take the rear shifter (Shimano STX)...
  7. N

    New To This

    I've never modded a bike before, but I'm planning on motorizing one this winter. I'm just looking for some suggestions on some ideas I've been having on how to go about this project. My plan is this: mount a high cc chainsaw motor (no I'm not using the standard kits for this) over the back tire...