schwinn occ chopper

  1. B

    Schwinn OCC Chopper 212cc Build

    Howdy, I am venturing into my first Predator 212 (removed gov.) build and wanted people's opinion on somethings. To start with I am using a Schwinn OCC Stingray bicycle that I will be extending the frame. On the main lower frame bar I will be using 2”x4” square tubing so that I can also use it...
  2. Crazy Horse

    Pedalchopper Builds! Ft. Myers, Fl. Chopper Art.

    Well Jim has been very very busy these last few years, building some awesome works of Art with the Schwinn Stingray Choppers. As far as I know ALL of these Choppers are sold, or were built to order, so this isn't a For Sale Thread. Notice: I saw this thread over in The Forum Section...
  3. M

    Schwinn OCC build, how to mount 27T sprocket??

    I just ordered all the parts to put a 66cc motor on my OCC Stingray. I've been reading up and just realized that it will be super slow with a 44T sprocket. I'm having no luck finding a faster size that will mount. Where can I find and how do I mount a 28-25T sprocket so this thing will move...
  4. KiLlEr_MiKe420

    Schwinn Sting-Ray Mounting Question

    Well i just bought a Schwinn Sting-Ray motorized bicycle that has what i hear is a 49 or 50cc motor. Well it seized up so im buying a new one but i was wanting to put an 80cc motor on it but i cant find any that match the mount that is welded on the frame. So my question is does anyone know...
  5. B

    Motorizing My OCC Schwinn

    I am from a small town in Northern California, and I recently took up motorbicycling as my new hobby! I have helped build an old school 20 inch schwinn stingray and a basic cruiser style 26 inch. Neither of which were mine, so one day I decided to order an engine kit so I got one from raw...