reed valve

  1. S

    Motor good at half throttle but bogging at full??

    Kind of lost as to what’s going on, I have a reed valve + windowed piston on a 80cc 2 stroke engine. I’ve got an HP carb with a #70 jet installed. I can ride the bike and when I first start riding the idle is fine but when I get it going to WOT and then come to a stop the idle is really high. I...
  2. S

    Hello everyone! Looking for some answers if you can help!

    So I’ve got a 66/80cc Chinadoll with a stock piston that I’ve windowed out like LA HoverBikes just to a curtain point I liked within the casting, a 2 inch miaowa reed valve kit and an HP carb with a 80 size jet installed. I’ve got a range of #50-85 I’ll say this as a start the bike ran pretty...
  3. Testname111

    To reed or not to reed....¿¿

    OK so here's the question, what is the longevity of a bicycle engine, with a reed valve vs no reed.... Terms like... (Reed vs no reed) Longevity Ride time (I ride mine constantly no problems) Engine-shake Engine-noise Reed valve life metal vs carbon fiber Fuel consumption Hill climbing power...
  4. S

    Reed valves and windowed piston

    Im just a kid just mucking around in my garage with a motorised bike. The other day I windowed out my piston (a lot) and now the engine won't start. I have a HP carburettor and a very slightly sanded cylinder head. I see people talking about reed valves when they mention windowed pistons. What's...
  5. Hashbrown

    49cc piston

    I know that there are two different size pistons, is that only for 66/80cc or does the 49cc have two differant sizes? I just bought a reed valve and wanted a windowed piston (or modify one) but everywhere ive looked they don’t specify if it is a 40mm or 38mm. The place where i bought my kit...
  6. B

    RSE Reed Valve

    Recently bought a RSE reed valve kit, installed it once but was too lazy to re-jet carb and possibly boost port the jug. Let me know if anyone wants it, I paid $80 from JNM looking to get some of it back. The reed valve is in almost brand new shape, installed it on new engine, rode it to...