
  1. N

    Broken 3 12ga spokes using a Manic Mechanic Adapter..How to fix??

    I've got a wheel from my local bike shop that supposedly more heavily built with 12ga spokes coster brake arm says HiStop and the sticker said 26x 2.125 Wheel Master so not sure what it is and i'm using a Manic Mechanic adapter clamp. Since i built the bike i've constantly had problems with the...
  2. shwnrttr

    q-matic gear ratio question?

    i plan on using a 29'' rear wheel. i can either buy a 72t sprocket or fab a jackshaft to further reduce gearing so i can use the supplied 56t. my question is, will the jackshaft reduce power due to the complexity of the multi ratios?
  3. shwnrttr

    how many teeth on qmatic clutch?

    a friend of mine tells me 10t is the lowest you can get with 5/8 clutch.but im pretty sure qmatic has 9t. anybody know for sure?
  4. shwnrttr

    qmatic with shift kit idea

    i was thinking if i rotate the bearing support on the clutch side of the qmatic 90 degrees or so and bolt in place. i could get the chain to line up with sbp shift kit i would have to change the standard gear ratios and possibly change the mounting location. any thoughts or ideas would be...
  5. D

    Used Qmatic Wanted

    My stock wet chain transmission is slowly coming apart in its teardrop casing of death. I need me some real American made quality! .flg. Anyone looking to get rid of their used Qmatic? Condition doesn't matter to me as long as its functional. All the hardware the transmission comes with would be...
  6. D

    Qmatic & HS Top Speed?

    I'm looking into purchasing the Qmatic and am wondering what kind of setup will give me the highest top speed. My stock HS will get me up around 32-33 with a little shove to get going. Not great bottom end but I never have to peddle. I'm basically looking for the same thing from the Qmatic. A...