
  1. D

    Mixing cylinder bodies?

    Hi all, I picked up a PK-style lower end (Z-L rod/low wrist pin piston combo) and I was wondering if anyone has ever made a GT5 cyl/head work on this bottom end with extra base gaskets? Or are the port timings too far off between the two? Looking to see if anyone has had success with this combo...
  2. Grimm Gunn

    Head gasket leaking...

    Hey All!!! I have a Power King 80cc engine and it's losing power. I have a lot of oil on the front of the engine. I've replaced the plug, and both the head and exhaust gaskets to no avail. now my engine is making a "humming" sound, kinda like a tight load strap does on the back of a truck. So...
  3. J

    Just finished my first build! PK-80 Cranbrook!

    Hello every one im John and I have been reading post on this website for about a month. I just got my PK-80 engine from Pirate Cycles thursday and from me reasearching this site enough I knew exactly how to put it on my hufffy cranbrook that i bought brand new on monday! some of the things ive...