help please new noob fix

  1. R


    Hi, I bought the 80 cc motorized kit and light from BGF. I received the light today, and realized that it was one of those friction lights that rub the tire for power. I feel although this will just get in the way, and break. According to BGF I cannot bypass the friction piece and hook the light...
  2. A

    20" Micargi Hero build

    totally stoked that I got it in the mail. Got un-stoked when I tried to fit my 80cc chinese motor (from zoom bicycles bought in 2008-9) and would not fit. I think this is the intro forum....but I am spanking new. Any help? peace morgan:-||
  3. D

    hey from ithaca ny help please:)

    Hey I just moved to ithaca ny from florida and ever thing is really close up here so to save gas and have a little fun I built my first bike. It was is husky bike gram and the deamon bikes 49cc 2 stroke motor kit just bc it was cheap at only 130$ with free shiping and im poor that maybe be why...